On Tue, 17 Feb 2004 15:09:00 -0000, Colaco-Dias, Paulo R wrote:

However, the problem is that our Goenkars who have recently
recouped their Portuguese citizenship do not really feel they are
Portuguese and, therefore, may not know how to make full use of their
citizenship rights. In many cases, there is huge lack of information as

RESPONSE: Paulo, in my opinion you are second to none when it comes to issues
related to Portuguese nationality.....the passion you display for this subject
alongwith the information and debate you provide on this issue has been great
over the years.

Do you think Goenkars really care about Portuguese citizenship ?? Or is it the
**benefits** of Portuguese citizenship aka Portuguese passport that most are
seeking ?? Most, definitely care about acquiring the Portuguese passport....just
like Gabe Menezes said a while ago.....the Portuguese passport is their ticket
to Swindon. Yes I understand you can't get the Portuguese passport unless you
are a Portuguese citizen.....I don't think most Goenkars that acquired
Portuguese citizenship/passports in the last decade or more did so for the love
of Portugal or Portuguese citizenship. I don't think they acquired it because
they hate India more than they love Portugal albeit there maybe a generation in
Goa that is fading into the sunset declaring their un-dying love for everything
Portugal. There's nothing wrong with that. And if some chastise India and it's
people, policies, environment, etc.. while claiming their Portuguese
citizenship....I'd take that with a pinch of salt !!

The fact of the matter is that - Most Goenkars have always wanted to immigrate
abroad - first to Bombay/Mumbai and then....the shippies, the east africans, the
gulfies, East Asia, the North Americans, Down Under, etc....We've always looked
for a way to get out of Goa....to make a better life for ourselves and our

Now Goenkars have another opportunity - the Portuguese passport !!! If Goenkars
are lining up in droves for the Portguese citizenship, it is because it
facilitates easy travel out of Goa. Period !!! This is more a blessing to
Goenkars than a right.

If you look at some of the matrimonials advertised....they explicitly state they
want to marry somebody overseas !!

You've stated in the past - even though you are of Goan descent, you were born,
raised and lived elsewhere - always a Portuguese !!  Can you relate to this line
of thinking - Goenkars want "out of Goa" !! And I've heard the same applies to
Daman and Diu.

And unlike you, most Goenkars (that hold Portuguese passports) don't feel like
they are Portuguese....but probably the following generations may identify
themselves closely with the Portuguese just like similar examples of Goenkars in
North America, East Africa, Down Under, etc....

Best wishes - Bosco

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