If the Margao Municipality lacks funds to undertake the necessary
development in the City, it could use some ingenuity in raising funds for
development, though public financing. It's time the sleepy city of Margao
awakened and its elected political representative do something more concrete
than resort to sophistry and lip-service.

Why keep Margao ugly?
By Brian Antao

With Goa being selected as the permanent venue for the IFFI, the many
benefits of which seem to go to only the city of Panjim. It is good that the
Goa government has drawn up ambitious plans for giving the entire city of
Panjim a face-lift and transformation to a modern metropolis.

However, too much of the Goa government machinery has been inefficiently
drawn into the IFFI preparations, that developments across the rest of Goa
seem to have fallen by the way-side since.  With Panjim being the electoral
constituency of the CM, he has but a political vested-interest to
appropriate development to his constituency to ensure his electability in
the future. Traffic congestion in Margao is a severe problem, and the city
is very much in need of four-lane roads and fly-overs built to good
international standards. Is the Goa Government so limited in its capacity in
being able to handle development in just one city? Margao, the commercial
capital of Goa, which sadly has always received step-child treatment from
the Goa government in terms of development, continues to do so. The
so-called beautification program for Margao comes and goes depending on the
whims of the Margao-based politicians who also have their fingers in the
IFFI pie.

So far, the only effort done to develop Margao, is in the form of the
lip-service of the construction of the traffic islands, which too are
lagging way behind their promised scheduled deadline for completion of
August 15, 2003. If one were to critique the aesthetics of the traffic
islands, one might say that the red- masonry architecture gives more of an
incomplete look, and some more work needs to be done in terms of a better
finish, something on the lines of the island near the Holy Spirit Church.

A big eye-sore in the heart of Margao is the dilapidating condition of the
Margao Municipal Garden, and the governmental buildings all around that are
badly in need of a paint job. An immediate painting of these buildings must
be undertaken and one must suggest the use of a higher quality
weather-resistant paint that will ensure the longer-term benefit keeping up
a good look.

The Margao Municipality should also bring in a requirement that all
structures in the key areas of the city be maintained by the owners with a
fresh coat of paint through regular inspections and a stiff fine imposed for
violators. This will ensure to some extent that the main parts of the city
are well maintained year- round.

While the City of Panjim has a plan in place for heritage restoration, why
is that Margao lacks such a program? The outer facade of Hospicio Hospital
is very much in need of a heritage restoration.

If the Margao Municipality lacks funds to undertake the necessary
development in the City, it could use some ingenuity in raising funds for
development, though public financing such as offering an attractive
Municipality development Bonds or starting a Margao City development Fund.

It's time the sleepy city of Margao awakened and its elected political
representative do something more concrete than resort to sophistry and
lip-service all the time on this issue!
The writer is based in Margao

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