Mr. Nair,

Very well said, but you must undertake some research
studies, a ugandan or an international firm when
registered in Uganda avails a investment license from
the Uganda Investment authority, under that license
one is  allowed to employ expats either maximum .
Secondly when an employed there are atleast
40/50 ,(depending on the investment of a compay) or in
hundreds ,or in thousands ,locals whom the firm should
employ it is a must,you just cannot recruit expats.
and this is being done on a professioal
level,Unfortunately i do not think this practice is
followed in Goa, if an outsider is employed in goa,
somehow he starts sniffing around in all the
departments in Goa be it pvt. or Govt. till he finds
jobs for all his relatives, families and friends and
suddenly you find the entire dept.changed, but i have
to thank you, for the first time you have agreed that
this is possible,and it can happen with you too.So
gentlemen kindly be prepared .....

Mr. Nair you always had and  have a tendency to add
fuel to fire,which is not my case, your body does not
agree to Goa's stimulants, about the localisation
issue it is a fact and it is happening slowly and
gradually , i did mention a few months back in one of
my comments that it has taken off in Some countries in
africa and middleeast, so kindly remain calm your turn
will also come . Have courage to face the truth.
Please do not pray that i have to come out of Uganda
otherwise on arrival in Goa , it will be your turn ,
since you have to make place for a local like me.

Best of luck


--- Radhakrishnan Nair <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> (Vivek: Why would you employ an outsider in your own

> country/state when 
> there are so many locals who are jobless?) 
> Vivek, if the Ugandans apply the same logic, you'll 
> be out of their country 
> pretty soon! 
> Regards, RKN 

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