Viviana Coelho (whose favourite phrase on the
telephone is Arre Baba!)(Hear Hear Gabe) boroita:

(1) < NO HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONAL was part of the
511-member Task Force headed by Hillary to produce her
disastrous plan >

JC: Appendix 1 is the first list of Health Care
Professionals on the Task Force. Will cross check the
names of the others with their professions.


Viviana (2)<But you have not answered my question - in
your opinion (or should I say, 'according to your
spouted ideology') am I mis/un-informed or a liar?>

JC: Please see the list & decide for yourself!


AS far as I can remember, this is what I read from you
in 2001

< I don't know if news regarding the "trashing" of the
White House and Air Force One has made it overseas or
not? .......Vivian Coelho>

JC: Truth or Invention? .........All I can say about
Viviana's difinitive statements is BRAVO! 

good wishes




The Health Care Task Force list- Source the Washington
Post, March 30, 1993

* Linda Aikens. A nurse sociologist
* Bernard S. Arons. A Washington pyschiatrist
* Stephen H. Bandeian. A physician and lawyer
* Robert Berenson. Washington physician
* Ezekiel Emanuel. A cancer specialist (Harvard)
* Arnold Epstein. An associate professor of medicine
* Norman Fost. Vice chairman of pediatrics (Univ
* Howard H. Goldman. Professor of Psychiatry (Univ
* Fitzhugh Mullan. A physician
* Marc Rivo. A physician trained in family and
preventive medicine
* David Satcher. A physician
* Aaron Shirley. A physician
* Mark D. Smith. A physician specializes in health
care for the poor
* Thomas Yoshikawa, VA, assistant chief medical
director for geriatrics and extended care

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