Goaâs Blanket Ban on loud noise

Goa being a vibrant tourist and cultural state, the blanket ban on
Music after an early hour of just 10.00pm across the state is quite
self-defeating. Many of the developed countries also have
noise-ordinances, but it is not in the form of a "blanket ban" over the
entire region. For example a City has zones marked out as residential
zones, commercial zones and entertainment zones. The noise-ordinances
are applied differently to the different zones.

Similarly it is necessary in Goa, to demark residential, commercial and
entertainment zones. Particularly the beaches and beachfronts could
easily be designated as entertainment zones. The tighter restrictions
on playing loud music should be imposed on the residential zones. While
different levels of restrictions need to be defined and loosened across
the entertainment and commercial zones. Thus allowing and promoting
different cultural events to be held at these earmarked zones. This
step of zoning the noise-ordinance across Goa would also help in
promoting tourism. Late night concerts, and party events with live
music would be encouraged to be held in the entertainment zones, where
they donât cause disturbance to the residential population, at the same
time allow the party revelers to enjoy the events unfettered.

Brian Antao 

airesrod <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>The enforcement of the Madhya Pradesh Sound Act in Goa has become farcical.
>Arrange a function, have a Minister if not the CM as your chief guest and
>you can play music till dawn. However, when the sound system is operational
>it would be a good idea to arrest the Minister for being a guest in his
>official capacity witnessing and patronising amplified music at late hours,
>against the law.
>Enforcement of the Sound Act should be uniform and there should never be a
>pick and choose of violators. On January 20th, this year Ribandar had a
>centenary celebrations village dance which the police did not hesitate to
>abruptly stop once we had crossed the permissible hour. Perhaps if we had
>asked the Minister who was our Chief Guest to stay on till the end of the
>show, we might have been able to dance on.
>On a different note, so much is being said about the Uttar Pradesh leader
>Mr. D.P Yadav who has been charged with extortion and murder and for having
>been welcomed into the BJP only to be flushed out a couple of days later. ÂA
>Minister in the Goa Government who was recently admitted into the BJP has
>also a whole pile of cases of extortion against him. So much for the party
>with a difference that the BJP claims to be.
>Aires Rodrigues

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