Alfred de Tavares boroita
My interpretation of Alu's contention is that the Indian sub-continent would still be -- most unlikely -- under the sway of Mughal Muslim rulers.>

Alfredo bab,

This is one scenario where both Alu and Cornel might have a point.

Alu (as you rightly connected) that BUT for the Portuguese, the subcontinent had an excellent chance of being Muslim

Cornel - Pakistan? (the word Pakistan is an for all the territories it encompasses). Hence East Pakistan was a misnomer and S. Pakistan (Hyderabad) would have been a disaster.

When one looks at the Muslim countries in the world (outside Arabia), especially Indonesia, an Islamic subcontinent was absolutely a possibility BUT for those decisive battles of Diu & Vedalai where the Portuguese routed the Arab navy and bands of mercenaries respectively.

The Portuguese also served in Shivaji's Maratha army - against their mutual nemesis i.e. the Muslims. I suppose it can be said that they preferred Circum-scripcao to any modification of personality (;-)

Unlikely that it would have been Moghals who would be in control. More likely that the subcontinent would have had three sets of Islamic controls: Moghal+Pathan in the North, Turkish in the South and West & Arab in the Western Coastal areas.

A nice recipe for Shia, Sunni and Turkman kichddi, Kusti ani Mara-Mari.

The only thing missing: Kurds and Oil ( Curds and Coconut Oil notwithstanding) (;-)


What would India be like but for this Vasco da Gama voyage ? (halfway down the page)

There would have been one major advantage for the region if Vasco da Gama were NOT to make that historic voyage. There would be no threat of nuclear war between Pakistan and India ! For there would be no Pakistan and no India ! We would all have been part of an Arabian, Moghal or a Turkish kingdom ! There might have been inter Kingdom battles but at least NO India - Pakistan wars !!!

In effect, Vasco da Gama's historic voyage paved the way for the peaceful majority Hindu society in India . So, Vasco da Gama if a nuclear war breaks out between India and Pakistan Remember that You will have been primarily responsible for it !

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