Dear Mr Lobo, 

The "open letter to Manohar Parrikar" has nothing to
do with the RSS or Manohar Parrikar being a dictator. 

As a journalist -- a creed which is often gifted with
unhealthy opportunities to observe personalities and
events from a different prism -- I have seen and
learnt about more obtrusive and vile 'dictators' than

The open letter is against this habit of
'scapegoating' which has become a routine with the
man. Not owning up for things which have been
triggered by departments under his control. A wrong
which has to be critisised. 
One of the worst things to happen, I believe is
punishing a man doing his job. That is what had
happened. This is what should be condoned. 

Francisco Sardinha, Luizinho Faleiro, Pratapsing Rane,
were miles from miles from the RSS, yet,  I believe
and you would not disagree with me, when I say that
they too were dictatorial in their behaviour. 

Let us not blame the unevenness of the moon, nor the
absense of water on Mars on the RSS. Let us criticise
it for what is worthy of criticism. And believe me you
will surely not run out of reasons for fair criticism.

Hope i have not overshot my liberty, in writing this
mail. I also hope that I have not upset you in any

Thank you very much for the supporting words

Yours truly


p.s. I also hope henceforth you will not dub me a
"closet bajrangi". 

--- Goasuraj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear Mayabhushan,
> Good to hear from you  through this "Open Letter" a
> fitting letter to a
> fitting RSS dictator.
> What is ASI  VK Yeram ?
> This Yeram character walks into our Party Office at
> Mapusa a week before all
> this Yeram affair exploded into Goa's new Emperor's
> face. He made it as if
> he had walked in by chance. I asked him to sit down.
> Having known him and
> having done my and my son's passports through him,
> he started with "If you
> have any passport problems, I shall be very happy to
> see them through."  I
> said  "Thank you, but no. I do not have any passport
> problems" Then he asked
> me if I had Claude Alvares' telephone number, that
> he wanted to get in touch
> with him because of his new passport. I said sure,
> I, infact dialled Goa
> Foundation numbers but it was after office hours. He
> hesitated and asked me
> if I had his residence numbers. Sure I said. I
> dialled Claude's residence
> numbers and  Adv. Norma Alvares picked up the phone.
> Without saying hello to
> Norma, I handed the phone to Yeram. He talked to her
> re Claude's new
> passport etc. Told her that he would be sending his
> man to her office to
> collect some papers. Apparently, she asked him from
> where he was phoning
> from, because she must have been perplexed to see
> 2266111 showing on her
> caller Id.  He promptly told her that he was calling
> from a PCO in Mapusa.
> After exchanging a few " see me if you have any
> problem etc"  he pushed off.
> Capt Gerald Fernandes, who is the General Secretary
> of the Party was present
> in the office at this time.
> Immediately after Yeram left, he told me coolly that
> our phone is now looped
> to the police recorder.
> When I sought more info on his statement, he
> explained thus:
> Claude Alvares' phone is sure to be tapped, both
> office as well as his
> residence. By the very fact that you have made
> contact with a tapped phone,
> you are also on the loop. Yeram has seen to it.
> Since there was no need for Yeram to come to our
> Party office to make a call
> to Claude Alvares, I tend to believe what Gerald has
> said. And there is
> absolutely no doubt that our phone is tapped,
> including my residence phone.
> Because, we get clicking sounds  which were absent
> before.
> We shall be writing to the Telecom Department
> officially,  for confirmation
> if our telephones are  tapped. If they say no, of
> which we are certain they
> will, then the ball will be in Telecom Department's
> court for better or for
> worse.
> Floriano Lobo
> goasuraj
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Frederick Noronha (FN) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2004 10:27 PM
> Subject: [Goanet]Open Letter to Chief Minister
> Manohar Parrikar (by
> MayabhushanNagvenkar)
> > ----------------------------------------------
> >
> >  Dear Mr Chief Minister,
> >
> >  Everyone is dispensable on the altar of the
> state. er.  state meaning
> your
> >  government.
> >
> >  What is an assistant sub inspector with 31 years
> of service? What good is
> >  he? One V K Yeram. Small fry.  That is why he
> merely sizzled and
> shriveled,
> >  but did not explode in your face.
> >
> >  You are canny. If you thought he would explode, I
> am sure you would have
> >  backtracked. Remember the way you did in the
> Miramar sex scandal. Only
> >  then, it was the lives and future of teenaged
> girls you were so worried
> >  about. You sacrificed that on the altar of the
> state.  sorry. your
> >  government.
> >
> >  Anyway what was I saying? What is an ASI? One V 
> K Yeram?
> >
> >  Mr Chief Minister you are the fountainhead of
> power.  You were even
> capable
> >  of denuding a police chief.  Denuding, no that
> would sound very vulgar.
> >  What's the right word? Humiliation. Yes. You
> humiliated him to such an
> >  extent that he even stripped off the official
> insignia from his official
> >  vehicle, until he was thrown a query by the media
> and hurriedly put the
> >  state emblems back.
> >
> >  The poor chief was not even insisting on much.
> Just a routine transfer
> >  order was what he wanted to come through. After
> that DGP Dass would have
> >  resumed his agenda of trimming bulging bellies
> and have left the real job
> >  to you and DIG Karnal Singh.
> >
> >  Mr Chief Minister, there is an interesting tidbit
> for you. You are not
> >  Goa's only chief minister to be dissatisfied with
> the Special Branch.
> >  Dayanand Bandodkar was also upset with the
> functioning of the Goa
> Police's
> >  Special Branch in his time.
> >
> >  Citing official documents, former SP Dilip Kumar
> says this in his book
> Goa
> >  Police: History and Evolution.  "(There are)
> official documents which
> >  indicate that ex-CM Dayanand Bandodkar was 'not
> happy' with the
> functioning
> >  of the Special Branch. He felt, the Special
> Branch was not successful in
> >  keeping the government 'posted with political and
> other developments in
> the
> >  state and that intelligence work, particularly of
> the activities of the
> >  Catholic Missions (sic), was far from
> satisfactory'.
> >
> >  Why do you shy away from admitting that the
> Special Branch is the
> >  government's official tool for gathering
> political intelligence? Or
> perhaps
> >  you trust that the BJP cadre does a better job at
> intelligence
> collection?
> >  Remember the time when Superintendent of Police
> (North) D P Verma was
> >  almost transferred because some Congress bigwigs
> met at a started hotel
> >  adjoining the North district head quarters and
> the department did not
> know
> >  about it.
> >
> >  But then Mr Verma was an SP. What is an ASI? One
> V K Yeram?
> >
> >  Geographically Assam is very distant from Goa.
> The Assam police
> >  incidentally also have a Special Branch and they
> describe their functions
> >  as gauging, "popular feeling on political,
> religious or other subjects of
> >  general interest and the circulation of letters
> of secret signals likely
> to
> >  disturb the public peace or stir up racial
> feelings. Information
> regarding
> >  political leaders or movements or publications."
> And they are not
> >  embarrassed about it. Why are you?
=== message truncated ===

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