As a relative newcomer to Goa (2 + years) I was very
happy to participate in the "Saibinn Mae" making her
rounds in the village.  I was asked discreetly, not to
upstage others by offering more "goodies" than the 
traditional "ukde chonne" and I complied.  After all I
did not want to upset the apple cart.

Despite it all, at our place,  we had 2 or 3 times the
number of people who normally attend the occasion. I
guess they wanted to see our new home and what was
inside this "foreigners" home.  No problem. We were
delighted and honored to have so many people attend.
Also, we have not been here long enough to make any
enemies ! Since we (abashedly) do not speak Konkani
too well, the rumor mill does not impact us at all.
Fortunately we are above it all !

I believe that the Saibinn Mae making her rounds is a
great custom, full of reverence for Our Blessed Lady,
with prayers (in Konkani) welcoming her to our home,
and wishing her farewell on departure.  According to
custom, I greeted the statue at the gate of our
neighbor and since we are a good distance away from
our neighbors, I had to carry the statue (proudly
declining any assistance) to our home in procession,
while prayers were recited and hynms were sung, as we
made our way to our home. At our home, my wife waited
with a welcoming garland,  (jhelo) of flowers for the
statue. We had set up a table with our finest linen
and candlesticks to place Our Lady's statue and a
container of incense was lit. Fireworks were set off
proclaiming the arrival of our lady at our home.

Besides "Saibinn Mae" making her rounds, now during
Lent we also have the Stations of the Cross, with the
appropriate prayers for each Station being recited at
the gate of each house.   It heightens the Lenten
experience, and for a "lip service" Catholic like me,
it brings me closer to my religion.

I believe that we Goans are deeply spiritual, and can
only hope that we keep the faith alive, no matter
where we go.

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