In the morass that makes up the usual discussions on Portugal and Goa  I
finally see one that could hold some utility for the young Goans of today.
Constantino who wears his avatars of Portuguese, Goan and
Indian with great maturity and respect brings a whiff of fresh air.
His  email details several research collaborations that Goa
University now has with universities in Portugal. They are all very
interesting and exciting and will lead to plenty of future opportunities for
researchers. The National Institute of Oceanography, Goa also has a few in
field of underwater robotics. These research collaborations are a
consequence of the interests of the concerned researchers and although they
do involve a lot of bureaucracy like signing of MOUs, rules concerning
sampling in the EEZ of India and intellectual property rights for
dissemination of data they do not lay down rules for recognition and
equivalency of degrees and to some degree these are not necessary. These
rules I think are laid by the educational bodies of individual governments
and are important when one applies for a job or wants to further his studies
but as far as I know very little is known about how an Indian degree holder
can obtain equivalency of his degree or diploma in Portugal. This
information assumes greater importance now that many young Goans armed with
Portuguese citizenship are moving to Portugal. The Canadian government has
excellent website for the same.  Is there a government accredited body that
converts educational credentials from any country in the world into their
Portuguese equivalents and states its academic equivalency in Portugal?.
These evaluations are specifically requested by academic institutions,
regulatory bodies, employers and government agencies. I
think its information like this that José Falcão and many others are looking
for. If its available and in Portuguese it would be of great utility if
translated it without getting into the usual semantics of course! Other
useful importance would be tuition fees for Portuguese citizens vis a vis
non citizens, what examinations an Indian doctor would need to be able to
practice medicine in Portugal or even how an engineer could get a license to
say set up a
consultancy business. I know of a young journalist from India who came to
Portugal, liked it a lot, wanted to stay and assessed her options as a non
Portuguese speaker. She got certification as an ESL teacher from an
in London, found a job teaching English in a Portuguese university and lived
ever after! So even examples like these would be helpful with more details
than I supplied our course!!!

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Constantino Xavier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2004 5:55 AM
Subject: [Goanet]Portugal: how to get studies accepted by major

> Caro José Falcão,
> It is an interesting question you raise. Unfortunately the research and
> university cooperation between India (Goa) and Portugal are far from
> explored. This is an essential domain in Lisbon-Goa relations, and only

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