Gabechem Chaldean caldinha 2

Gaben boroilem The deities mentioned are B.V.M and J.C. and all those cherubic angels, as well as Arch angels, Michael the warrior and Gabriel the messenger.> correct me if I am wrong, but the word deity stands for "God" . So I do not know how a Michael and a Gabriel (even a Menezes) can be a deity?

As far as Asian features vs Western features - there is such a mixup in Asia with ALL kinds of people "donating" genetic material during their travels et al. ...that it would be quite a problem to exclude any particular racial genotype from the Asian pool.

For instance - would a Kashmiri or a Chitpavani have features which are any different from the features one sees of artistic impressions of Jesus or Mary? Aren't they Asians? least ......for the past...many many years?

If so.....why do we have these racial hangups? Inspite of being the originators of Varna.

This Western, Asian, European, Eastern, Paki, Gorri, Kali, white, black stuff ..... is pitiful. Perhaps the 'slip' of our true complexes and prejudice is showing.

Have a good weekend


Gabe Menezes wrote:
<Depends on which section of the Chaldeans one is referring to. Could be
darker shade, if pertaining to the keralites and tamil peoples. Quite dark
brown Arabic/Kurdish looking people originating from Iraq. We have quite a
few of them here in North London, They do tasty grills, i.e. shish kebabs,
koftes and lamb chops and drink sweet tea all day long, while smoking the

The deities mentioned are B.V.M and J.C. and all those cherubic angels, as
well as  Arch angels, Michael the warrior and Gabriel the messenger.

Now, I am not about to antagonize anyone by claiming that I have seen J.C. -
When people make such claims they are termed as halucinating and everyone including learned Doctors will be sceptical and demand proof and claim there is no such thing a God. We are here today gone tomorrow and the stars are another matter.

Have a nice weekend, I envy you and our Goa people lounging in the Sun.


Gabe Menezes.

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