Eugene Correia on Aires Rodrigues

1. <It's strange that a paper like Herald would encourage a biased as well as lopsided views from Aires Rodrigues in his piece, Poll Day Predictions>

2. <He attacks the BJP as "communal and fundamentalist", a party which, I am told, Aires supported initially. What brought his change of heart is unknown to me>

3. <The journalism field needs serious political analysts and commentators instead of leaving it to someone like Aires to air his views.>

4. <the reason for Aires to come to Goa could not ONLY be for improving Goa's social and political structure but could be for other reasons.>


Dear Eugene,

Let me say this upfront.

While I do NOT agree with Aires' on many a viewpoint, I consider him to be a friend. He has always been decent and straightforward towards me - and I'd like it to be known.

I will restrict myself to commenting on the ISSUES contained in your two posts. Please join me & leave the PERSONA out of this.

1. On what basis have you characterised Aires' poll predictions as lop-sided?

2. Has the BJP NOT behaved (thus far) as a Party with a communal agenda which has been kept on the back burner UNTIL it attains majority in Parliament?

3. WHOM at the Herald would you call a "serious political analyst"

4. WHO has stated that Aires came to Goa ONLY for the purposes of "improving Goa's social and political structure"?


5. HOW does it matter if there "could be other reasons" ?


6. HAVE we not migrated to areas (around the world) for our own personal REASONS?


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