The latest edition of Goa Messenger (15 April 2004) is on the stands.
Highlights: 1. Cover story — No Cake-walk For BJP (a pre-poll projection on the
mood of the voters prior to the Parliamentary elections), 2. Politically Astute
or Only Prince Charming (a profile of Rahul Gandhi and the Nehru-Gandhi Family
with an interesting photo-feature), 3. Book Review - Aruna's Story (a
hair-raising story of a 56 year old nurse who was gang raped in the very
hospital she worked in 31 years ago. As she lies listless in a hospital room,
she is painfully alive to pain hunger and terror), 4.  The Genesis of Goa - Goa
and Christianity (A column seeking to throw light on Goa's history and
origins), and lots of other information including Kitchen Talk, Glamour,
Children's Corner, News, etc.
—Sigmund de Souza 
P.s. your views are welcome.

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