We see advertisements on the TV where a lot of kids are used to promote
Colgate tooth paste, this and that. And  I have been particularly fond of
one ad, though I don't seem to remember what it promotes, wherein each kiddo
is declaring his/her ambition to become someone in life "Meim Banunga
Pilot",  "Meim Banungi Miss India", Meim Banunga Doctor" etc. etc. This ad
always reminds me of my time in  school when our class teacher  asked us
about our ambitions in life. After a lot of declarations from my fellow
classmates, the teacher wanted to know what the class monitor would want to
be. "Secretary General of the UNO" was my prompt reply.  And (late) Mrs.
D'Cruz  wanted to quiz this future SG of UNO. There were a barrage of
questions on the subject. "What does UNO stand for".   "Who is the current
GS of the UN". " Where is it located" etc.  And I had passed the test. I
remember the smile on her face when I had said "U Thant". Incidentally,  Mr.
U Thant was a Burmese, first Secretary General of the UNO.

And funny as it may seem, no one from our lot in the class had ever
mentioned the word "Prime Minister". And even modern age kiddos positively
do not say “Meim Banunga/gi. Prime Minister”. It must be true of the maxim
which says "Politics is the last recourse of a crook". And looks like our
younger generation  does not want to be tagged as crooks.

And yesterday, I was sitting with a new acquaintance, an active senior
citizen, at his home in the Siolim Assembly Constituency. This is  my normal
fare these days since goasuraj is enrolling new members into the party's
grass-root organization. I was surprised when he told me that he admires me
for my unshakable stand against the RSS BJP. You are well informed, I told
him. To that he said "I admire you more for your stand against that rat".
"Who? Manohar Parrikar?" I shot back”. "No" he said "Advani". "And pray,
what would my  stand against Advani be?" I asked. "After all he is the
Deputy Prime Minister of India and a hot aspirant for the  Prime Minister's
chair" I said.  "Come on Florian" he pouted. "Your stand that Advani belongs
to  Tihar Jail".  "So, you follow our website and the internet" I stated. It
was more of a declaration than a question. "Yes and No" he said. "I have a
friend who follows the internet". “He keeps me informed about your writings”
. And his next statement shocked me. "Advani should be in jail, yes" he
said. "In Pakistan, not  in India"   "Why?, how do you say this?” I queried.
And that got him talking and talking. And it was very very interesting a
story which has made my day and which goes like this:

The setting is Bombay, now Mumbai. The year is 1966. The place is ‘Nav Jivan
Co-operative  Housing Society’, Opposite Mahim Railway Station. A lot of
people, mostly "Kolis" gathered to hear the 'Jana Sangh'  leader address the
meeting. The leader arrives. Takes his stand at the podium. The leader
starts his speech. There is  uneasiness in the audience, turning into an
up-roar. Why?  The Jana Sangh leader is speaking to the audience in chaste
‘Sindhi’.  Slogans like " Amchi Matra-basha meh bhol"  (speak in Marathi).
"Hindi meh bhol" . "Angreji meh bhol". "Tumhari Sindhi Pakistan meh bhol".
etc etc.  The leader reverts to "Hindi". But stray comments from the
audience do not stop. "Heh Pakistani hai" . "Isne Jinnah ko mara hai" so on
and so forth. The finale of the leader's speech ends up in  "YAAD RAKNA.  EK
One day I shall become the Prime Minister of this country, India)

The Jana Sangh leader was none other than our Deputy PM  "Lal Krishna

"Advani's words are still ringing in my ears" said my host, my
acquantaince, now turn a dear friend. For another maxim holds good where it
is said that "AN ENEMY OF MY ENEMY IS MY FRIEND" And I have, since 6th.
December  1992, considered Lal Krishna Advani as the No. one enemy of my
country, India. And,   by virtue of being an enemy of my country, he becomes
my number one enemy occupying the  number two position in my country’s
governance. "Where you present for this meeting?" I asked him. "I lived in
that building" he said. And I am an ex-municipal councilor of Bombay, now
Mumbai" he said. "At that time, people loved Shiv Sena" he said, "until Bal
Thackeray came into the picture".   "You ask me if I was present for the
meeting?" "I will tell you who else was there for this particular meeting" "
Ram Jethmalani!!". "Ask him" he said.  "Ram Jethmalani will never forget
Advani's words, like I haven’t forgotten Advani’s words".  "That is why Ram
Jethmalani must be seriously  contesting against Vajpayee" I said. "He
probably knows well that Vajyapee is only shuffling in Advani’s shoes and
waiting for the right time to make them available back to him".

And, I have been seriously watching the "Election Watch" every day on the
NDTV- 24 x 7,  presented by Rajdeep Sardessai. And during Advani's
interview, during his "Uday Yatra", Rajdeep had asked Advani if he nurses a
bigger ambition in life and if he is satisfied with his BJP's progress.
Knowing Rajdeep, what he was hinting at was “Are you burning to  be the PM?”
And the reply that was given by Advani, seemed to be, at least to me, who
loves Advani all the way, a sly one.  He had said "  I am satisfied totally
at where the BJP is today.  I believe that my dreams have been fully
realized to the extent that I believe that I have played my part. What more
could I want? and words to that effect.

I shall become the Prime Minister of India. I shall name Sindh in Pakistan
as “Sindhustan”. Never mind the costs. Who is Mohandas Karamchand  Gandhi!
Who is Mohammed Ali Jinna!. Never mind the Babri Masjid. Thank you Narashima
Rao. Thank you Congress. Never mind the Gujarat Genocide. Hello RSS.

"Behold the next Prime Minister of Secular Democratic India"

Our hearty wishes to Ram Jethmalani. Our prayers for  God’s own speed and
God’s own strength to him to sweep the biggest imposter away.

Jai Hind sans RSS.

Floriano Lobo

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