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    Date: Sun, 25 Apr 2004 23:16:36 +0530

Astrology- A pseudo-science

In his book “Flim Flam”, the well-known American conjuror James Randi recounted
how as a young man he briefly got the astrology job on a Montreal newspaper,
making up the horoscopes under the name ‘Zo-ran’. His method was to cut out the
forecasts from old astrology magazines, shuffle them in a hat, distribute them
at random among the 12 zodiacal signs and print the results. This was very
successful of course, because all the predictions were working on the "Barnum
principle", of saying things so vague and general that all readers would think
that it applied to them.

Belief in astrology has become so widespread that many able, highly
distinguished and intellectual people today indulge in it. There are many who
wish to live in a world governed by fantasy and mystical wonder; where the tall
and wild claims of astrologers are generally accepted as the unchallengeable
truth. Excessive attention to ‘Astrology’ is one of the superstitions that is
hurting India very badly. The continued uncritical dissemination of
astrological charts, forecasts and horoscopes has contributed to the growth of
irrationalism and obscurantism. 

To qualify as a scientific theory, an idea has to be logically consistent, both
internally (all of its claims must be consistent with each other) and
externally (unless there are good reasons, it must be consistent with theories
which are already known to be valid and true). Astrology fails on this score.
Neither its basic assumptions nor its predictions conform to the rigorous
discipline that science demands. So much of what is claimed about astrology
contradicts what is already known and proven in physics. The “twinkling stars”
tell us nothing. Astrology is nothing but hogwash and superstition.

As William Shakespeare states in “King Lear” in his inimitable style: ``This is
the excellent foppery of the world, that when we are sick in fortune -often the
surfeits of our own behaviour - we make guilty of our disasters the sun, the
moon and stars; as if we were villains on necessity; fools by heavenly
compulsion; knaves, thieves and traitors by spherical predominance; drunkards,
liars and adulterers by an enforced obedience of planetary influence; and all
that we are evil in by a divine thrusting on – an admirable evasion of
whoremaster man to lay his goatish disposition on the charge of a star!''

If we allow ourselves to be overrun by dangerous superstitions, society faces a
most dangerous plight. A society engulfed in superstition is a detriment to
itself. The time has come to challenge directly and forcefully this pretentious
science of "Astrology". The bunkum must be separated from the reality!

Sandeep Heble

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