Dear Gasparbab,

Read your post titled "Hold On". Very good post. Interesting read.

Please allow me to add my input

GA 1: <Frantic appeals..... hold on, Goans living in Goa cannot be influenced just like that?>

JC 1: From the experience of the past 4 decades, what would you say has influenced Goans MOST to vote for one party or another?

GA 2: < Of late, I have read, heard comments as well as received even threatening emails for my support to the present set of MLAs and that includes the CM, Manohar Parrikar.>

JC 2: Threatening e-mail is usually the work of immature minds. I wouldn't pay much mind to that, BUT you should expect to read comments on your views. Is that necessarily a bad thing to happen?

My view (from afar) - Parrikar has done many good things compared to Faleiro, Sardinha, Rane and the other CMs.

However - his basis for coming to power in a "coup" followed by the manipulation hardly represents democracy. Would you not agree?

Then, there are other isssues : Computers, Nuevo Freedom Fighters, Convenient Silence on selective matters etc

What one has to remain most concerned about, however, is the Religious Agenda. I hope it never comes to pass. Religious zealots (Catholic, Muslim, Hindu and even Buddhist) have and continue to cause immeasureable misery to innocent bystanders all over the world.

I submit that this WORRY is the reason for the so-called Frantic Appeals.

Historically speaking, VERY FEW locals (natives, ground zero residents, people NOT from afar) anticipated the domino-effect disturbances which followed the actions of zealots.

Ask yourself - WHAT set of events eventually set Nathuram Godse to murder Mahatma Gandhi, or for the suicide bomber to murder Rajiv Gandhi?

Gasparbab, there are plenty of lessons in history (even contemporary history). We do not need to try reinvent the wheel.

GA 3: < I am not contesting the elections, not for the foreseeable future, though, I am tempted to. Although I have the ability to convince to get myself elected unopposed - atleast among the Goans here for the last two decades! And the tradition continues to-date!>

JC 3: ? ? !


GA 4: <Back in Amchem Goa, Goans know whom to vote and whom to empower. We do not need frantic appeals via the emails/telephones to 'tell' our folks home whom to vote? Isn't this undemocratic to influence 'voting'? >

JC 4: First of all, I don't know HOW it can be undemocratic to CANVASS for people's votes. That is what politicians and their spare-parts in the press do everyday. And, if (as you say) Goans back in Amchem Goem KNOW whom to vote for & whom to empower, this point is moot anyway.


I agree with anyone who says the following:

* That the MGP & Congress have been corrupt.

* That Goa's natural resources have been stripped

* That Goa's environment has been polluted

* That the Alibaba's continue to do what Alibabas do in this allegedly "vibrant democracy"

But think about it - Take off the saffron cover and see underneath - Are the BJPs any different from the MGPs or the Congresswallas and wallis?

One Konkani word says it best ...................... Kui!


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