Jorge, in addition to what you have said, I stopped reading the article
after the second paragraph. It wasn't worthy.

It says in the second paragraph: "Vasco da Gama (1460-1524) was the
first European to round Africa's Cape of Good Hope". 

Everyone knows that the first European to round the cape of Good Hope
(or cabo das tormentas like Camoes calls it) was Bartolomeu Dias in

Another inaccurate, cheap and quick and of the lowest quality article.

Best regards.
Paulo Colaco Dias.

-----Original Message-----
Of Jorge/Livia de Abreu Noronha
Sent: 30 April 2004 18:23
To: Goanet
Subject: Re: [Goanet]Portugal ruled Indian state for 4-1/2 centuries
(Washington Times)

Frederick Noronha (FN) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
wrote on Sunday, April 25, 2004 8:08 PM:

> <>
> Portugal ruled Indian state for 4-1/2 centuries
> From combined dispatches
> On his last voyage to India, da Gama died of illness on Christmas Eve
> and his remains were returned to Portugal for burial.

Vasco da Gama did not die <on his last voyage to India>. He ruled the
Portuguese "Estado da India" as Viceroy from Sept. 24 to Dec. 24, 1524.
Although the government services of the "Estado da India" functioned in
city of Goa (presently Old Goa), the capital of the "Estado" was in
da Gama died and was buried in Cochin and his remains were later removed
Lisbon. The capital of the "Estado da India" was officially transferred
Cochin to Old Goa in 1530.

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