One of the greatest mysteries that mankind has been unable to solve till
date is whether God exists or not. Is the belief in God a mythological or an
infantile belief springing from human imaginations or is there really a
creator for this whole universe? In his book "The Probability of God: A
simple Calculation that proves the Ultimate Truth", Stephen Unwin, a
theoretical physicist, tries to calculate the probability of God's

Unwin uses a large quantum of accumulated data to work out these
probabilities, for instance:

1. The electromagnetic field is exactly 1039 times stronger than the
gravitational force: had it been a little weaker, say 1033 times as strong,
stars would have been a billion times less massive, and would have burnt a
million times faster. Long before any of us- or our forefathers- were born,
universal darkness would have buried us all.

2. If the differences between the mass of the proton and the neutron were
not exactly what it is-roughly twice the mass of the electron-all neutrons
would have become protons and matter would cease to exist.

3. Water, almost alone among compounds, is lighter in its solid state than
in its liquid state; ice floats. Had it not done so, oceans would have
frozen from the bottom up, and in time the earth would have been entirely
covered with ice.

Unwin refers to many more of such examples, from several branches of
science: physics, chemistry, astronomy and biotechnology in his study. All
this couldn't have happened by chance and there must therefore have been
someone who created the universe to support life, he says as he comes to the
conclusion that there is a 67 percent likelihood that God exists. Unwin's
theory is a perversion of scientific investigation. His theory is not
allowed to evolve out of facts and it has no scientific and rational

In his theory, Unwin ignores various questions. What is the origin of God?
If God created matter/energy, and designed the systems that have propelled
matter into its present arrangement, who or what accomplished that for God?
If God has created the universe, who created God? Why is it any more
reasonable to believe that God has always "been" than it is to say that
matter has always "been"? As Carl Sagan has said, "If we say that God has
always been, why not save a step and conclude that the universe has always

So long as critical evidence is not forthcoming, so long as fundamental
questions like these remain unanswered, Unwin's theory on the probability of
God's existence is questionable from the scientific angle.

Sandeep Heble

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