The indian experience with european society, culture
and power has not been that of equals. European
colonial rule in india was based on white supremacy.
Clearly european civilization and society was superior
in terms of technology, organization and military
might and a handful of europeans conquered hundreds of
million. Not to put too fine a point on it, indians
have an inferiority complex. Perhaps, these feelings
are confined to indians with a college degree. i.e.
those fluent in english and some access to written
history. Any indian who reads for example, Kipling
cannot do so without a feeling of shame and anger.
Maybe the poor rural indian does not care and makes no
distinction. Afterall as far as skin colour goes,
Indira and Sonia have almost the same tint, and look
born to rule. 
So dismissing those who have strong feelings on this
issue as racists is not quite right. It is way deeper
and more complex.
Most countries have a strong racial, cultural and
linguistic identities. Indians do not, and thus Sonia
is possible. Let us be honest, Colin Powell is much
better presidential material than Bush, but we all
know why he is not president. And he is a native of
the country to boot.
--- Vivian D'Souza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Looking at the Indian elections from the outside, as
> a
> non-Indian national, though of Indian origin, I
> applaud the success of Sonia Gandhi.
> I too had reservations about her becoming the leader
> of India,with the legacy of colonialism still very
> fresh in my mind, and the thought of a white person
> coming back to rule India.  Yet, let us give this
> lady
> her dues. Leadership of the Congress party was
> thrust
> on her, but she did not wilt.  She is made of
> sterner
> stuff.  She almost singlehandedly gathered a
> dispirited and disorganized Congress party, and
> brought them back to power.  
> The opposition could not find much to discredit her.
> It is ironic that a party dominated by casteist
> brahmins who discriminate against the vast majority
> of
> Indians, chose to attack her race. Indians are no
> fools and saw through this ruse.  AFter initial
> hesitation, and probably shell shock, she plunged
> herself into politics wholeheartedly, speaking
> directly to the rural people.  They loved her as
> much
> as she loved them.  No pretensions about her. They
> looked beyond the colour of her skin and saw in her
> a
> fellow human being who they could relate to.
> Her style in running the Congress party reveals a
> steely and decisive personality.  One may not always
> agree with her, but she considers the options and
> makes decisions. Nothing wishy washy.  The learned
> retinue that surrounds her recognizes this and
> respects her.  It is now time for all Idians to give
> the lady a chance.  Characdterwise, she is above
> reproach.  
> She is not of Indian origin, but  our contemporary
> world has gone beyond race and national origin.
> Recently in Goa we had a visit from the Vice
> President
> of the Portuguese Parlaiment who is of Goan origin,
> born in Goa.  The Portuguese have no problem with
> it.
> England has members of Parliament of Indian origin
> as
> well as several members of the hallowed House of
> Lords.
> The U.S.A. and Canada have had several legislators
> of
> Indian origin.
> Are Indians so racist as to deny the top post in the
> country to a person of European origin ?  The answer
> lies in the polls. Need I say more ?
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