
Goenakars wherever you may be ,
Goenkars YOU will always be !


I am pleased and proud to share with you
a message  from Oscar Lobo , one of our
WORLD GOA DAY  Co ordinators based in
Melbourne , Australia.

Please do share the pointer of this melgoans
website with other Goenkars , and also help to
promote the Goan togetherness !

rene barreto


Hi All,

I am pleased to inform you, that a new website
has been created. This website is designed to keep our circa 9000
Goans (in Melbourne) and their friends in touch with our Culture and
Heritage. One does not have to be a 'member' to come along for functions;
however, one has to have a broad mind to come, enjoy and not to worry
( "no worries mate" ) in areas of hierarchy or other speculations.

Man has conquered the moon but he has yet to conquer the art of
togetherness and assimilation.

Please enjoy the website and the music and communicate the website
address to others who may have a genuine interest in friendship and

Until me meet, Meochem maghir, ate logo!

Recad tumcam (Regards to you all)

Oscar Lobo


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# PLEASE remember to stay on-topic (related to Goa), and avoid top-posts #
# More details on Goanet at              #  
# Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect respect to others  #

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