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While mostly agreeing with what Fred says I would like to just concentrate on a few points:


Albertina Almeida...have been in activism for over two decades, and can't even be accused of making a career out of it.

Indeed why has no mud been thrown on, or stuck to, Albertina? I can hazard a guess. Because Albertina is beyond any personal or career enhancement motivations and is sincerely committed to a cause. Makes one think, does it not? Why some people can spend a lifetime in social causes and maintain a clean slate, while some others attract accusations.

Where there's smoke....


The "charges" against Heta and GHAG seem to be based either on (i) her
style of functioning (ii) insinuations of lack-of-transparency or even
careerism and dishonesty (iii) her ethnic origins (iv) that the persons
criticising her don't quite like her.

Point # (iii) is totally invalid and uncalled for. Fred is trying to turn this debate into a Goans v/s Non-Goans issue, which it is not. It's a pity that Fred has to try and veer this debate into something that he feels it should be - rather than what it is about.


Incidentally, I have no problems with my colleagues Ethel
da Costa, Margaret Mascarenhas and even Cecil Pinto. It's
just that there's another side of the story waiting to be
told, and, at times like these, someone needs to put on
record the good side of the work that people like Heta have
done. Ultimately, history will judge the contribution of
different people; but what might happen is that some stray
criticism could indeed demoralise those who have a lot to
contribute to Goa ... as it has already done with quite a
few people already. To those who don't like what Heta
and the GHAG are doing, why not do something better? FN

And I have no problems too with Ethel, Margaret and Fred - each of who are offering a differing perspective on this debate. But Fred's last statement is nothing short of ridiculous, specially coming from a respected journalist.

Am I not expected to question potholed roads unless I can re-surface them myself? Can't I criticise the Municipality, for not impounding stray dogs, unless I am willing to impound them myself? Maybe I should not even criticise politicians unless I am willing to stand for elections? This is totally absurd.

As citizens it is our right, and even our duty, to question the functioning of departments and organisations where public funding, (taxpayers' money) is involved!


Viva Sao Joao!!

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