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        Date:  Saturday, June 26, 2004
        Time:  3 pm to 5 pm
        Venue: Goa Science Centre, Miramar

        * Dr Anil Seth, Head, Dept of IT, PCC Verna on
        FREE SOFTWARE CHOICE: A Bird's Eye View of 
        Computing Applications Available to You.

        This talk is specially meant for those who would
        like to get acquainted with, or learn more about
        the Free/Libre and Open Source Software (FLOSS) 
        world. It would be particularly relevant to newbies, 
        and those fresh to this field.

        Dr Seth, who has the knack of explaining
        complex ideas in simple terms, will start with 
        a quick reason for GNU/Linux distributions,
        desktops, and operating systems. Then he
        will look at development options available to 
        those interested in learning programming 
        -- particularly Python, with which he has himself 
        worked for long.

        The speaker will also explain common GNU/Linux
        applications -- such as browsers, wordprocessors
        (e.g Lyx), email applications in other areas 
        such as education (GCompris), and graphics
        (gimp, Blender for 3D modelling,etc).

        The intention of this talk is not to give 
        a catalog of products but to convey the need 
        and desirability for the variety of choices
        in computing. Also, to encourage persons to 
        search for suitable applications which meets
        their goals and not be afraid to change to.

        * WORLD SOFTWARE FREEDOM DAY, an introduction 
        * SCREENING OF FILM introducing Python

        * TECH TOPICS subject to interest and availability.

Please be on time, as we need to wind up puncutally. Thanks to the Goa 
Science Centre, Panjim and Mr V N Joshi for the venue. This meeting is 
open to all interested in Free Software and Open Source. Kindly note 
however that entry to Science Centre costs a nominal Rs 10, payable at the 
main gate. An annual membership of the Goa Science Centre (free entry for 
other programmes) costs Rs 200 for the general public, Rs 100 for 
teachers, and Rs 50 for students. Get along two photographs.
d88888b d8b   db   Frederick Noronha * Freelance Journalist * Goa India
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