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----- Forwarded message from Cecil Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -----

    Date: Thu, 24 Jun 2004 11:16:58 +0530
    From: Cecil Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

 From Margaret Mascarenhas <mmasc at sancharnet.in>


Fred, I don't think the issue here, at least for me, is about whether 
(some) NGOs/activists do good work (many do),and it is certainly not about 
ethnic origins--I don't know where that one came from. It is also not, for 
me, about dishonesty concerning money matters since to date no one has 
presented any evidence whatsoever to establish that this is the case. It 
isn't even about GHAG not doing good work. It has done good work, which is 
why I have supported it in the past. My objection to GHAG is their repeated 
use and abuse of OTHERS from whom they solicit support on one pretext and 
then unilaterally change the agenda when the other(s) are already 
committed/compromised. It is a question of public misrepresentation.Let 
GHAG do good work on its own and not enlist public support for causes that 
turn out to be other than what was originally outlined. That Heta has been 
dishonest in her representation in soliciting assistance,that she 
indiscriminately uses people to her own ends, I have personal experience 
with that, as have numerous others. Had it just been about me, I would and 
did refrain from comment for over two years, and continued to endorse her 
work, including the first Fontainhas Festival. Re the second Fointainhas 
festival, surely you must know that it was not only Alexyx who had a major 
problem with the way it was handled and with Heta's treatment of 
individuals once they were roped into the event; I spoke with at least 12 
artists who were extremely upset by GHAG's insensitive, arbitrary and 
autocratic behavior during this Festival. Let's face it: GHAG cannot have a 
Heritage Festival without artists and musicians--no one would come. When 
you present a proposal to artists, or whomever, as though you are offering 
them a parnership in an event, you need to behave democratically and as 
though that partnership exists. And when GHAG puts itself out there in the 
public arena, and solicits public endorsement, they had also better be 
ready for public criticism.

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