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Re: [Goanet]Of Dabolim, MOPA ......ani Bosco's dis and

Thanks Dr. Jose Colaco for your input and insight and
your thoughts for the betterment of the Goans and Goa
in particular.   Bosco, you have made your point wrt
the letter Carmo Santos and I have forwarded with the
express permission of Churchill Alemao (a copy of
which is available with me).   
We hope that more Goans will be enlightened by it and
let the debate continue... unless this mailing
list does not wish to - as more than often,
some remarks are made without relevance and regard to
the subject discussed, specially if it originates
and/or discussed by AlmeidaG(ji) of
Once a senior Goan politicians have remarked:
What's the use of getting masons and carpenters by
charter flights? 
To-date no one bothered to respond.  If you need to
know about it, we have it archived at
Bosco, R V Prabhugaoker in The Times of India, way
back in January 10, 2001 has highlighted that Goa's
first Christian Chief Minister and present South Goa
Member of Parliament, Churchill Alemao, has strongly
opposed the MOPA airport arrangement since the very
begining.  And were are taking about 2000-01.
It is not a new thing for Churchill Alemao to dwell on
the subject, as it is his priority to see that the
majority of the cream of the first-class hotel chains
will be affected in South Goa (to whom he is indebted
for their trust and confidence reposed in him) and so
also to save the 500,000 plus (estimated) workforce,
directly and indirected related to the hospitality,
travel, services and food industry - which will be
rendered redunctant.
Not only did Churchill Alemao, but even Francisco
Sardinha and Dr. Wilfred A. D'Souza, our Saligao
MLA, had objected during that time.
According to press reports in July 2002 attributed
to the then North Goa MP, Shripad Naik, after being
made Civil Aviation Minister, Rs 150 crore has been
sanctioned by the Union government recently to augment
more terminals for domestic and international flights
at Dabolim airport.  Where has the money gone?   It is
a pity to see a small structure being built for the
past two years as 'annex' facility to the existing
terminal building which gives a picture of
unprofessional construction work.  Does this justify
the sum allocated?

Going back eight years, exactly on  Sept. 25, 1996
dated reports by DH News Service, a statement by non
other than the Rear Admiral Suresh Mehta, flag officer
commanding, Goa Area, remarked: 

"Not only would the Navy not vacate Dabolim airport,
but its ownership of the airfield too was beyond
question". He wanted to lay to rest the debate
provoked by ''vested elements" on the ownership of the
airport, taken over by them after the liberation of
Goa in 1961.   ''Neither time nor money would permit
our country to pump in Rs.25,000 crore to replace this
facility. In our mutual interest, I would urge all of
you to discourage such discussion which is totally
infructuous. The ownership of the airfield is not
negotiable," he told a group of representatives of the
tourism industry whom he recently addressed at a face
to face meet organised by the Goa Chamber of Commerce
and Industry. 
Read more on the same report:
The Goa government`s decision to set up a new civilian
airport at Mopa, North Goa, at an estimated cost of
Rs.1,000 crore triggered off a debate with the local
outfit Gomant Lok Pox (GLP) insisting that the Navy
look for other alternatives and ''return`` Dabolim to
the Goa government. Tourism Minister Dr Wilfred De
Souza had also said that it would be cheaper to build
alternative facilities for the Navy at the Sea Bird
base in Karwar, than for the State government to put
up a new airport of international standards. The GLP
demand is believed to be supported by some business
circles in the State. 
In his opening address at the face to face meet
between the Navy and tourism representatives, the
president of the Goa Chamber Dattaraj Salgaocar
remarked pointedly that ''there is a feeling in some
quarters that it would be up to the Navy to seek and
find a new address, that Dabolim came to them in the
aftermath of Operation Vijaya in 1961 that liberated
Goa, and that the time has come for the Navy to
restore the airport to the civilian authorities.`` 
But Admiral Mehta who was well prepared to handle any
provocation and criticism that the naval presence had
been hampering tourist charter operations to this
State, took the wind out of the sails of the tourism
lobby, sources said. All procedures were followed and
compensation was paid for the land acquired for the
naval air station, Admiral Mehta said. Quoting a lease
agreement signed between the ministry of defence and
the civil aviation department, he pointed out that the
use of the airfield for civil aviation purposes was
subject to the condition that it would in no way
interfere with the functioning of the Navy. 
 The airport lacked mechanised ground handling
facilities, computerised air space management,
taxiways and parking space. All this would cost money,
but the Navy was more than willing to co-operate to
aid the State with its tourism requirements, the
Admiral said, using the opportunity to ask those
present to desist from selling Goa as a ''cheap
pleasure destination". 
Now my question in support of Dr. Jose Colaco and
Churchill Alemao is:
How many of Goans in cyberspace as well as down in Goa
knew that:
a) compensation was paid for the land acquired for the
naval air station.
b) details of a lease agreement signed between the
ministry of defence and the civil aviation
department, that the use of the airfield for civil
aviation purposes was subject to the condition that it
would in no way interfere with the functioning of the
c) the cheap pleasure destination ?  What's so cheap
available according to the Rear Admiral?
Bosco, take your time.  Let's debate it!  
If you or anyone knew about the 'compensation' and
'lease agreement' let me know about it.
Enjoy your weekend.
# 4: Goa has always had a State Government and MPs in
Why have the dozen-or-so CMs not pushed the case
***strongly enough*** in 
the past ??

# 5: Coming back to WHY.....why is there so much noise
about the airport NOW 
?? Is it because of the plan to build an airport in

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