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From: "Gabe Menezes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [GoanVoice-UK] Newsletter. Issue 2004-40. Oct 21, 2004

People in Glass Houses should not throw stones, least people throw them back
and they end up having shattered homes. Before you attempt to take the moral
high ground, you should check out your previous behavour, the aspersions,
nay accusations you have made - the consequences that could follow.



================================================== Folks,

Now we have threats! It saddens me to drag this sordid business of Gabe's accusations into the open but I must do so because only last month I wrote to him privately and thought it had been settled. Now it is has been raised yet again. It is not right for GoaNet be subject continually to unfounded allegations and mudslinging. Therefore, hopefully for the last time, this is briefly my version of the events:

1. Gabe has repeatedly accused me of "defaming" him because I am alleged to have claimed, in May 2003, that he had raped the G.O.A. (UK).
2. I wrote privately to him last month and asked him to provide the evidence of this.
3. He claimed that the evidence was on the hard disk of his old computer and he was not "not inclined to bring out the computer and reset it."
4. I told him where he could find the GoaNet archives.
5. He claimed that he could not find the section.
6. I gave me the urls of the relevant posts.
7. He claimed that he could not open them!

I had to give up. Clearly there is something bugging him. I thought that the acrimony was resolved on 23 May 2003 when after accusing me of defaming him he wrote to Goanet, Subject: Apology to Eddie Fernandes. See: http://www.goanet.org/pipermail/goanet/2003-May/094369.html

In reply I expressed the hope that the acrimonious debate was over, See: http://www.goanet.org/pipermail/goanet/2003-May/094380.html

This is not a question of winning or losing or about apologising or about throwing stones. It is about living together as adults in an environment which facilitates the free, frank and fearless exchange of views.

Gabe, I have previously invited you to lazy lunch in a restaurant overlooking the Thames. Why don't we meet and bury the hatchet, please?


Eddie Fernandes

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