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Dear charitable colleagues & friends, The Youth group at the St. Mary's Church - Dubai is organising a Jumble Sale for Charity on 05 November 2004 which is an annual event. 'Charity begins at home' so here's your chance to be charitable by emptying your home of the stuff you'd like to donate to help the under-privileged. We'd accept anything that is in reasonably good condition and saleable. Item categories could be: Clothes & Shoes/ bags Toys Potted plants Household items Books & Stationery Your own creations/ homemade items Picture frames, paintings, sketches, glass paintings etc Collectables, antiques etc Contact Person: Freeda Alphonso (National Field Support Officer) Location: 4th Floor - EK Aviation College Telephone contact: Office - 2187424, Cell- 050-5457120 OR you could drop your stuff off at St. Mary's church. Get in touch with Sr. Kusumi (in-charge of the collections) at the Sister's Convent (beside the church canteen). Please ensure you mark the bag/s 'FOR JUMBLE SALE - NOV 2004'. Would appreciate it if you could get your contributions/donations to us before the 27th of October 2004. Thanks Best regards and God Bless HR - National Development Dept.