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joseph fernandes  of Mumbai wrote on Sun Oct 31 00:59:44 2004

<Does Dr Jose know that Gaspar is the one who regularly forwards pro-BJP and anti Sonia Gandhi/Congress mail on Goanet?

The BJP is destroying Goa and its avid supporter - Gaspar -,is also in part responsible for the same.>


Dear joseph fernandes,

Good to hear from you.

I hope you will accept that there were TWO disparate points in my post - to which you responded
(attached at foot of this response)

(1) That the communal BJP is increasing its grip on Goa & has set its sights on crushing the Catholics. ( for those interested - please see the Kashi of the West ideal of the BJP) esp of South Goa.

(2) Gaspar Almeida - whatever his personal choice of political persuasion, is NOT the type who is a GOLD DIGGER. This appeared implied in the posting by Dr. Samir Kelekar - an impression which Dr. Samir Kelekar fortunately corrected for our benefit.

Now...I agree with you that the BJP is bent on crushing Goa. It is also possible that Gaspar (advertently or inadvertently) playing his 0.003% part in it.

But what about the other 99.997% of the part?

Do any of the following have any role it it?

1. The negligent Freedom Fighters who left the DOOR open like in Al QuaQua? Did they play any part at all in the smooth transition ?

2. The Congress Party of India pre 1980? and its suppression of Statehood for Goa and Konkani?

3. The Congress Part of India (Goa) post 1980 and the rampant Corruption and Havoc it wreaked in Goa?

4. The Suppression of the Goan spirit by the woefully blatant DENIAL of jobs in Goa to qualified Goans?

5. The blatant awarding of Consultancies in Goa to non-Goans WHEN there are qualified, able and capable Goans around? present example with this BJP lot ....... Information Technology.

6. The destruction of Goan environement by (eg) META, ZUARI and Hotels in the TOKEN name of providing EMPLOYMENT for Goans. EMPLOYMENT ?........Really?

7. The "brilliant" Goan Journos who have SAT on the FENCE because they are the only ones in Ground Zero. Just imagine IF you had your doctor tell you that he/she could not do the right thing, because it might upset the CM

8. People like you Joseph! WHEN last (or first) have you taken a public stand against Communalism ?

please read this http://www.colaco.net/3/deepikaWalk.htm

9. How much PRINT space do the Goa Journos devote to The Goa Foundation, AnotherGoa, Goa SuRaj, Lok Shakti etc

10. How much space is devoted to The Goan Observer in GoaNews?

11. When last (or first) have you protested the Lack of such coverage from the Goa Journos? Do the journos have a Role and Responsibility to INFORM the populace? Or is it GASPAR Almeida who has that role?

12. Is Gaspar Almeida the problem here? OK, he FWDs BJPoid posts, Have you considered countering it with GoaSuRaj or Goa Foundation stuff? Remember now, the reason the Goa-BJP is able to do what it is doing, is because the Corrupt Congress in Goa has a ton of skeletons hiding in the semi-open closet. So, if you are about to write to Sonia...please tell her to support Goa SuRaj!

How's that for aijcho Aitaracho Sermao?

Ite Missa Est.



earlier from jose colaco:

The Communal Forces have come to stay. Now, there is nothing You or anyone else can do to get the BJP out.

There are many gold diggers amongst us - but NOT Gaspar Almeida.

I can safely say that I KNOW of the selflessness with which Gaspar Almeida has helped Goans especially in the aftermath of the 1991 invasion of Kuwait.


please visit "NEW" on The Goan Forum at http://www.colaco.net

Recommended Goa related sites

1. http://www.goa-world.com

2. http://www.SuperGoa.com

The Goan Forum, Goa World ani Super Goa: Three authentic Goan sites.

Pure Goa!

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