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Dear all:

Yes, this country deserves better than the current President and that is why I am 
supporting and voting for John Kerry.  The notion offered by some on this forum that 
Bush is for
democracy and freedom is nonsense.  He has cozied up to Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, 
Kuwait, China,
etc., so called allies. If Bush was really interested in freedom and democracy, he 
would work on
our friends first before lecturing the rest of the world.  A golden opportunity 
presented itself
in 1991 after the first Guld War in Kuwait.  Instead of insisting on democracy there, 
we had the
royal family continue - 13 years later there is no democracy there. The real interest 
is oil, that
is why we have Mobil Exxon, Chevron, Halliburton, Shell salivating all the way to the 
bank with
their oil contracts in the Middle East.  If Iraq had only vegetables, we would never 
have ventured
there regardless of how brutal Saddam was (btw, there are many more brutal countries 
but not a
peek out of Bush).

We are told people are voting for freedom and democracy in Iraq and Afganistan.  Here 
is a
question their should put on the ballot there: do you want the occupying American 
forces to stay
and run the country through their proxies and puppets?  


--- Chris Vaz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks, but no thanks...  The country deserves better 

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