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HEART 2 HEART (Herald)
By Ethel Da Costa

IFFI born of a quickie?

His Excellency Mr Jamir

Dear Sir,

I understand you' re a man who would prefer things straight and direct, so 
spare me a few minutes.

I have struggled, in pursuit of a deadline, through a day fraught with 
black outs and frequent power cuts right from 5.30am to 5.30pm. The 
calendar on my desk screams a countdown to IFFI. I've missed my deadline. 
Is this a harbinger of things to come?

As I write this, citizens of Alto Nagali Colony, Dona Paula, stand armed 
with stones in their hands on the road to stop the sewage/mud laden trucks 
from Mala Lake heading for their clean environs. The government is creating 
`hills ' of sewage (Bal Bhavan and Campal bore the brunt silently, now its 
Dona Paula) in a tearing hurry to beautify Panjim for a festival that does 
not involve locals in its scheme of things (but for a hurried pressnote 
released by the DI to suggest otherwise). The residents of Nagali believe 
that only a people's movement can stop arrogance getting the better of 
reason. But does anybody care? The way things stand in these days of hard 
core horse trading, money has replaced logic. Add muscle power in the 
absence of grey cells.

 From the local authorities to the truck drivers mucking up the road of 
Dona Paula, nobody respects the law of the land, going by the threats these 
politically fattened goons have been throwing at the locals (a woman was 
told `I will go to the higher ups ' when she stopped these trucks dumping 
mud in her colony) with an air of chest-swelling bravado. Is Goa heading 
for an era of lawlessness?

As I write this, labourers are toiling hard and fast in the heat of the 
autumn sun, pouring heaps of concrete into a bridge, pavements, road 
dividers, the multiplex and Kala Academy. I pause to ponder if these 
concrete structures will last us another 12 months after the hype of IFFI 
has died down. They (the IFFI taskforce) are in a mad, tearing hurry to 
meet the deadline thrust down their throats by a government (supported by 
back-bending babus) keen to score a brownie on promotions. Does ego precede 
quality? Where are the checks and balances to ensure quality control on the 
superstructures popping around us? Who is paying for these costs?

Precious public monies have been poured into mortar and cement to change 
the face of Panjim. Sure, the Old GMC looks swell with the facelift, but 
what will scratching its surface reveal? Scant regard has been paid to the 
laws of engineering, allowing little, if any time, for the curing process 
required for these concrete structures. It ' s common sense. Every engineer 
knows this, why are they silent? Are we re-writing construction and 
engineering fundamentals to suit a few pockets, regardless of public 
safety? Do we want a concrete apocalypse that will break the back of this 
city five years from now?

And what have you to say of the fire at the Basilica? Have you heard the 
grapevine rife with rumours alleging more than an ordinary short-circuit 
that ravaged the roof of our historic heritage monument. Citizens of Goa 
are alarmed. Don't you fret at the obvious lack of security World Heritage 
monuments enjoy in Goa? I know for sure that heritage monuments elsewhere 
in the world enjoy top class security systems to protect them against any 
man-made or natural faux pas. Where is this class of special security to 
safe-guard our monuments? Where is the Disaster Management Office in the 
State of Goa? If we are found wanting in these departments, and badly, what 
of the safety of six million odd travellers/tourists heading for Goa from 
all over the world in November/December? Do we have a security blueprint to 
plug these loopholes? Are we planning ways and means to keep a check on who 
gets in and out of our borders? Or, are we awaiting bedlam because we have 
taken our peace for granted.

I notice that not a single club or a casino, temple or a church, disco or a 
resort has any equipment essential for safeguarding its own premises (and 
we are not talking fire hydrants alone) as well as the safety of its 
occupants/visitors/tourists. Guns and bombs are no longer social taboos in 
public places. If scanners and metal detectors are installed at every 
legitimate pub/club/disco in Goa, you will find the beeps ringing into your 
head well past breakfast. Goa is simply not a haven for drug lords alone. 
We have enough reasons to beef up our act, but we're such lazy Goenkars 
that we don't mind getting robbed in broad daylight.

Yes, I'm painting a picture of Judgement Day. There's every reason to be 
apprehensive and worried because we have learnt through these four years of 
`clean' governance that goondaism works. Hotels get smashed, street 
signages are violated, private/public property vandalized (and nobody gets 
caught because even officials don't file complaints to sit tight on their 
chairs). It is common knowledge that intimidation and threats enjoy 
government licence. Hence, no cop shakes his finger until he is told to do 
so. Let's face it.

I'm also wondering aloud where the alleged Rs 72 lakhs, earmarked for 
purchase of security devices, has evaporated. Public places are vulnerable 
targets. So why aren't the police departments stepping up on their jobs? 
And while I'm on this, where is the contingency plan in case of an 
emergency or a security lapse? Where and what are the information gathering 
and co-ordinating agencies doing? An event of this proportion cannot be 
taken so lightly. But where is the `Think Tank' who think long term 
solutions for Goa? Are we thinking with all our faculties intact? Can we 
really pull this together without publicly falling on our faces? Or are we 
expected to lie back and enjoy this rape of our sensibilities?

I look to you for solutions.



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