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Please re-read what I wrote.  Bush won among the intolerant types. I am refering to 
many, not all,
of the people who voted for him and their position on issues like CRA, ERA, etc.  I am 
referring to Senate and Congressional votes.  

What do I mean by the intolerant types?  After Lyndon Johnson riled the South with his 
support of
civil rights for blacks, Nixon adopted the Republican 'Southern strategy' to convince 
whites that they could be comfortable in their racism in the Republican party.  That 
continues today and PARTLY explains for the Republican success in the South.  The 
other piece of
intolerance is prejudice against gays AND minorities.  That prejudice finds a home in 
Republican party.  It is fashionable for them to discriminate against gay people, 
including gay
marriage (11 states banned gay marriage). Even gay 'Log Cabin Republicans' opposed 
Bush.  The
other bigotry tacitly condoned in the Republican party is against Muslims. We just saw 
a recent
example of that on this forum two days ago.  The so-called 'war on terror' which 
appeals to
people's fears has become code for being anti-Muslim (this is why the majority of 
Muslims feel uncomfortable with Bush).

Yes, Bush's victory was a victory for fear, prejudice, bigotry.  These are the 'moral 
values' of
the Republican party (except for moderates like Arleen Specter who have been sidelined 
by the
radical right).  Intolerance won, but just barely.  A landslide of dissent in favor of 
Kerry - 55
million (48%) said no to Bush and a hope for a better America.  


> --- George Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Bush won in a landslide amoung the intolerant types - those 
> who use their religion to hate others and deny them civil rights.  Yesterday, 
> gay marriage as banned in 10 (maybe 11) states.  These from the same folks who have 
> a 50% 
> divorce rate and are concerned about preserving the "sanctity" of marriage.  
> The same folks who opposed the Civil Rights Act, the Equal Rights Amendment 
> and other equalities.  
> >

--- Peter D'Souza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> George,
>     You're misinformed. The CRA passed because of Republicans and in spite of the 
> Democrats. 

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