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--- Peter D'Souza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Given these facts, was it wrong for Dick Cheney to oppose his release 
> from prison at the time? A free South Africa is not necessarily 
> synonymous with a free Nelson Mandela.

Dick Cheney is one of the last persons we need to listen to when it comes to 
freedom and civil
rights, an ant compared to the giant Mandela.  His right-wing Republican party 
just won 2/3 of its
recent electoral college votes in 17 states which had Jim Crow racist laws 
(Georgia, Mississipi,
Alabama, etc.).  I pointed out in a prior email how racism has found a 
comfortable home in the
Republican party as part of its southern strategy.  I wonder how many of the 
current Republican
supporters on this forum have travelled through the segregated south recently 
and if they were
invited into a white home?  Unlike the chickenhawks, I think they are more 
likely fighting in Iraq
now for a war they believe in - at the very least still searching for 
non-existant WMD's.


Definition of Chickenhawk  n.  A person enthusiastic about war, provided 
someone else fights it;
particularly when that enthusiasm is undimmed by personal experience with war; 
most emphatically
when that lack of experience came in spite of ample opportunity in that 
person’s youth.

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