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From: Miguel Braganza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet]Re: Goa's fun image
Date: Mon, 08 Nov 2004 22:38:00 +0530

So there was sex in Miramar? Whom did it scandalize? Would you like to name
one person among many of the rich and powerful[ age, sex, religion no bar]
who were involved in the sex? It becomes a scandal only when it is public.
Extra-marital sex among the very rich and the very poor is not a scandal. It
rarely receives public attention. Even prostitutes coming by charters to
'service' the growing Indian clientele is not a scandal. Baina was.Pre- and
extra-marital escapades are not for the middle class or the noveau riche.
They are scandalous.

Viva Goa.

"Sex in Miramar", recalls me to pleasant episodes in times less sordid, the Greenfields' days:

In the Pinhal, around where the present day MULTIFLEX has sprung up there used to be a half-a-dozen,
rather seedy, ladies-of-pleasure, the stapple of the garrisoned paclés and dedicated initiators of generations of Liceu and Escola Médica boys, who, in turn, in turn initiated consenting girls, hardly a rare breed.

They were a caring lot (I have been so told), offering their wares affordable, and bargainably flexible, stipendia, generous, often unredeemed, credit and, above all imparting practical instruction in due facts-of-life, abysmally lacking in the existant curriculae in L. A. de A., Matmó or the E.M.: such as "cuidar dos martelos".

In those days, when very scarce "quatro tangas" provided a bellyfull in Central, Real or Tató, a durex, costing as much, and many baneful looks in the Drogaria Andrade, was too often eschewed.

But the Pinhal worthies would not countenance such dereliction: the poor things used to save sheaths
discarded by the soldiers for re-circulation among the "disemparados".

Such charity, however, did not extend towards the well-heeled, especially the irregulars: thus, once, when the governor, Vassalo e Silva, as was his occasional wont, was promenading the Pinhal, mistaking him for a prospective client one of the ladies solicited him with tempting offers and demanding rather an extravagant fee.

He was a good-natured chap and took it in stride, remarking: Does it cost so much here? It is cheaper in Cais de Sodrë, I assure you, senhora. Whereupon, a passing soldier smartly saluting him and stammering Sr. Governador, put a summary end to the ongoing transaction.

I had heard about the episode (hearsay, of course) and the general confirmed it when I met him in 1968. He was, for a few years, not a general then.

So, you see, has been quite proto-legal in Goa in times past; the Pinhal was more the altruistic genre;
the Tambddi Mati (B's Bastion), Mardol, Ponda and Zambaulim the traditional temple-girls and the Camara-bhatt in Margao offering the sinuous municipal street cleaners moonlighting their charms.

Those were the days, my friends... when pleasures were affordable, reliable were unstintedly accorded in a true spirit of give-and-take, so have I been told...


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