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Kindly give publicity to the following news item.

Thanking You,
Pratap Naik, S.J.
Director, TSKK


The name

Dalgado Konknni Akademi (DKA) was established in 1988.  This Akademi is named 
after Mgr. Sebastião Dalgado, for his various contributions to enrich Konkani 
Language.     Mgr. Sebastião Dalgado was a scholar of Konkani as well as many 
other languages.  Dalgado was born in Assagão, a village in Bardez, Goa on May 
8, 1855.  Mgr. Dalgado devoted himself to the study of Konkani in scientific 
and systematic manner.  He was the first person in Goa to use Devanagari 
script for Konkani and to print the first Konkani book in it.  He compiled two 
dictionaries Konkani-Portuguese and Portuguese-Konkani; Konkani was then 
written as well as spoken in various dialects.  Mgr. Dalgado found his own 
Bardexi dialect the most suitable to standardize Konkani.  Mgr. Dalgado's aim 
was to show that Konkani was a full-fledged independent language. 

Mgr. Dalgado's contribution to the development of Konkani language is immense. 
He rightfully deserved a prominent place but in vain. In order to keep the 
name, the works and sacrifices of Mgr. Dalgado alive for the present and 
future generations, the Akademi was named after this great son of Goa.

 The first phase:

For the first four years DKA was very active. Fr. Freddy J. da Costa was the 
President. Mr. Tomazinho Cardozo was the secretary and Mr. Prabhakar Tendulkar 
the treasurer. During this period, DKA published 'Konkani Orthography in Roman 
Script' with the intention of bringing about a desirable unity among the 
writers, so that the writers could understand the principles and rules of 
writing Konkani in Roman script.  A number of programmes were conducted in 
various parts of Goa to popularise Roman script and Konkani written in it. 
Subsequently due to various reasons DKA slowed down and remained stand still. 

 The second phase:

It was observed that the writers of Konkani in Roman script were totally 
neglected as they were not getting any financial backing from any quarters to 
carry on their activities. In fact, after the passing of Goa Official Language 
Act, the Government and the institutions working for the cause of Konkani in 
Goa, supported Konkani in Devnagiri script only. Publications of books in 
Roman script suffered. Institution like Kala Akademi stopped giving awards for 
Konknani Books in Roman script. 

In order to support and to give boost to the creativity of Konkani writers in 
Roman script, some well wishers of Konkani in Roman script came together and 
decided to revive Dalgado Konknni Akademi. Presently Mr. Tomazinho Cardozo is 
the President,  Mr. Jose Salvador Fernandes and Mr. Prabhakar Tendulkar are 
the secretary and treasurer respectively.  Besides there are other 10 
prominent persons as members of the Executive Board. Various sub-committees 
have been formed to popularise the activities of the Akademi. Literary 
Committee is headed by Fr. Peter Raposo, Editor of Vavraddeancho Ixtt, while 
Wilson Mazarello, popular stage artiste, is the chairman of Cultural 
Committee. Dr. Olivinho Gomes, former Head of Konkani Department of Goa 
University, is the Chairman of the Committee to frame the Constitution of the 
Akademi, while Dr.Pratap Naik,  Director of Thomas Sthepens Konknni Kendr will 
head the Awards Committee. The present membership of the Akademi is over 200.

Aims and Objectives:

The present Executive Board has set a few aims and objectives and activities 
to strengthen Konkani in Roman script.

The first and foremost objective of DKA is to promote Konkani language in 
Roman script, which is neglected, side tracked and given step motherly 
treatment. Konkani written in Roman script goes back to 1560. Without its 
Roman script history, Konkani would not have got the recognition by Sahitya 
Akademi, New Delhi in 1975.  It has the rich cultural heritage and it has 
become integral and unavoidable part of Goan culture, specifically of 
Christians.  The vast majority of Goan Christians read Konkani written in 
Roman script. Hence it has to be preserved fostered and developed.

DKA will make all efforts to provide support, financial and otherwise, for 
writers of Konkani in Roman script. It will work untiringly to obtain for them 
their just and lawful demands, dues and rights. DKA will recognize those 
institutions, which are working for the promotion and development of Konkani 
Language, literature and culture in Roman script.  It will initiate various 
activities in literary, cultural and social field through all the modern means 
of social communication.

It will provide financial assistance, and scholarships to writers, dramatists, 
talented important people, scholars and students to carry out research and 
other undertakings in the field of Konkani. Holding and organizing seminars, 
conferences, workshops, exhibitions, lectures, competitions of different 
types; undertaking and editing Konkani folk songs, music, folk literature, 
stage performances and other expressions of Konkani culture; Library and 
documentation centre facilities to the students, writers, teachers, producers 
and actors/actresses of Konkani; collecting and preserving Konkani documents, 
records, books and objects scattered with individuals and families which are 
related to the cultural and literary development of Konkani are other 

The Akademi will focus on promoting, assisting, and undertaking publications 
of children's literature in Konkani along with providing books or magazines in 
Konkani language to the libraries and institutions.

It is a fact that many Christians in Goa are going away from Konkani language. 
They do not send their children to Konkani schools. They hesitate to talk in 
Konkani language in their daily life. In other words they are in the process 
of loosing their Goan identity. DKA will make untiring efforts to preserve our 
identity through Konkani language irrespective of the scripts in which it is 

 Action Plan for 2004 -2005:

DKA has set an Action Plan for the Academic year 2004-2005.

1. To register DKA under the Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860.

2. For giving publicity to DKA, it has planned to hold a seminar cum 
cultural    programme in Konkani at Margão in December, 2004.

 3. Publication of 10 Konkani books in Roman script that will include novels, 
short stories, poetry, translation, tiatr, khell tiatr, and essays.  These 
books will be released in December, 2004.

4. Publication of its annual magazine " PORMOLL" during Christmas. 

5. DKA plans to enroll 2000 people as members for the current academic year.

6. DKA intends to finance partly the Konkani writers in Roman script to 
publish their first book in Roman script.  

7. Plans in collaborating with various other institutions who work for Konkani 
in Roman script and work hand in hand.

8. It will celebrate Dalgado Jayanti on 8th May 2005 to commemorate 150 years 
of Dalgado's Birth on a large scale.  On that day a senior Konkani writer in 
Roman script will be honoured with "Dalgado Konknni Puroskar". Dalgado Jayanti 
Celebrations will continue throughout the year ending in May 2006.

9. To launch DKA website.

10. To start fund raising campaign to promote Konkani in Roman script.

11. To launch the village-to-village programme " Speak Konkani, save 
Konkani".  Through this venture we hope to unite Goans, particularly 
Christians, in order to strengthen their roots of Goan identity. 

Our aims and objectives in reviving Dalgado Konknni Akademi are very clear. It 
is our duty to support writers of Konkani in Roman script and to provide 
qualitative literature to thousands of readers of Konkani in Roman script. It 
is also our paramount responsibility to see that our Christian community loves 
their mother tongue Konkani and is proud of its Goan identity.

We request all like minded Goans to support Dalgado Konknni Akademi in its 
mission. We are open for any suggestions if they are going to be beneficial 
for writers and readers of Konkani in Roman Script in particular and Goans in 

Tomazinho Cardozo

Dalgado Konknni Akademi
Candolim, Bardez, Goa.
Phone: 9822170102

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