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 Cecil Pinto wrote:
"Now some thirty - forty years back the terms were considered pretty
derogatory. For example a Captain of ship would be insulted to be called a
Shipee which put him in the same category as the uneducated deck hand - as
usually was the case at that time with very few Goans being employed in the
upper categories both on ships or in the Gulf. In the decades since a lot
has changed. Goans hold the top posts on Ships as well as in the Gulf and
the word Shippe and Gulfee have now taken on a different meaning. A very
respectful one I think."


Being the daughter of a "Gulfee" and the wife of  a "Shippee",here is my
contriution to this discussion.

GULFEE:My dad went to work in Muscat thirty years ago.It was a hard
life,climatic conditions were tough with sandstorms in the desert. People
who went to work in the Gulf were nicknamed Gulfees.Far from being a
derogatory term,I think Gulfees have to be admired for their  hard work.
They make a great sacrifice staying away from their families,for long
periods of time..Gulfee wives also have to be admired,they manage their
homes,raise kids singlehandedly.

I do think the term Gulfees was sometimes used in a derogatory manner ,years
ago - a lot of the labour class went to work in the Gulf .All Gulfees tended
to be classified as unskilled workers,unfortunately.

Today,working conditions in the Gulf have improved tremendously.Family visas
are granted much easier than before and people are living a very decent
standard of living.Working abroad in the Gulf,they live good lives, &they
can afford to build houses in Goa.When gulfee goans come down to Goa,they
spend lavishly-they contribute to the economy.I do not think the word Gulfee
is used in a derogatory manner any more.

SHIPPEE:Again this word shippie earlier referred to  goan cooks and stewards
who worked on ships.Many catering staff who have worked on ships have
encouraged their children to study and join as deck officers,engineers.So
today ,the connotation of the word "shippie" has changed.My husband is a
Captain,he has no problem being called a "Shippie".I am a "Shippie Wife",I
have sailed for quite a long time and I have seen life on board.It is a
tough life,without a single day off. .Shippies work hard for their
money.They stay away from home for long periods of time.

So I do think that today the words "Shippie" and Gulfie , are seen in a new
light and are far from derogatory.


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