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Cute answer, Tariq, but lacking in any substance.  

Wouldn't your case be a lot stronger if you could
advance a theory that fits ALL the actual and
circumstantial evidence that I have listed, about what
may have happened to Iraq's WMD?

Since we know the WMDs were used previously, and they
admitted having them in 1991, but neither accounted
for thereafter nor found by the coalition as yet, what
do you think could have happened to them?

--- Tariq Siddiqui <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> # If Goanet stops reaching you, contact
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]          #   
> # Want to check the archives?
> http://www.goanet.org/pipermail/goanet/    #  
> # Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to
> reflect respect to others  #
> --- Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Santosh,
> >  
> > Since you seem so upset that Saddam has been
> removed by the evil George Bush, you
> > must think he was a great guy and you must
> therefore also be opposed to freedom
> > and democracy for the Iraqi people.
> >  
> > 
> > You seem to be one of those people who is too
> intelligent by half.
> >  
> > See if you can follow this simple sequential
> logic:
> >  
> > 1. Before 1991 there was evidence of WMDs in Iraq.
>  Just ask the Iranis, Kurds and
> > Shia that these were used on.
> > 2. In 1991 there was evidence of WMDs, because the
> UN has a signed agreement by
> > Saddam acknowledging his WMDs and promising to
> destroy these and provide the UN
> > with an accounting.
> > 3. From 1991 to 2003 the UN Security Council
> passed 17 resolutions asking for the
> > accounting that Saddam never provided, even though
> the consequence of the first 16
> > were crippling sanctions and of the 17th was the
> loss of his dictatorship and his
> > sadistic sons.
> > 4. Physics tells us that matter does not
> disappear.  It has to be accounted for.
> > 5. The coalition has not found the WMDs as yet.
> > 6. Ipso facto, the WMDs cannot have disappeared,
> they have not been accounted for,
> > they have not been found as yet, so they must be
> either still hidden somewhere in
> > Iraq, or in Syria as suspected.
> > 
> I am suprised you did not say that they could have
> also been taken by UFOs 
> .
> -Tariq
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