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Thanks for clearing that up.  We get it now.  You are
agnostic and VERY tolerant.  While this is good to
know, we still don't know your specific and
reasoned response to Chris Vaz's original post on this
subject.  Would you now address his post, please? 

Santosh Helekar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
# If Goanet stops reaching you, contact
# Want to check the archives?
http://www.goanet.org/pipermail/goanet/ # 
# Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect
respect to others #

--- Chris Vaz wrote:

>According to Webster's, a bigot is >someone
"obstinately and intolerantly devoted to his >own
>By that standard, everyone who holds strong beliefs
>should be held to that account. That would not only
>include you, Mr. Helekar, but everyone on this net,
>wouldn't you agree? 

No. I disagree completely. All people on this net,
except Chris Vaz and another guy, are very tolerant
about other people's beliefs and ideas. I, and perhaps
a few others, are actually agnostic, and therefore do
not hold any strong beliefs unsupported by objective
evidence. We are certainly not intolerant of other
people's beliefs even though we might like to point
out that they are in conflict with physical evidence.
We do not demonize people who disagree with us. We do
not call those who are not with us terrorists.



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