# Goanetters-2004 meet in Goa. Dec 21, Tuesday. 12 noon to 2 pm.         #   
# Clube Vasco, Near Municipal Garden, Panjim. Pass the word around!      #  

To: Reuvon Proenca <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 16th December, 2004.
Ref: JU/PC/2004-05/e-210
Sub: Reg: Tourism Related Paedophile… a blind eye
        Reply to Reuvon Proenca - 2
Before I go to the questions, let me respond to the
note in your introduction – Reg. your article in GT
dtd. 31-8-04 you say “the information we provided in
the report was also provided to tehelka by your office
so what's the big secret? correct me if I'm wrong when
I say that the info we published was the same that you
have in your files.” 
You seem reluctant to admit it Reuvon. 
The ‘big secret’ is that we were sure that you used
our information to pen your article in GT even if it
was presented as GT’s investigation.  To quote it “GT
has been closely following leads on the movement of
suspected paedophiles in S. Goa------- Our
investigations reveal that there are, at the very
least, four such people whose movements and activities
are highly suspicious”

We think it was unethical of Tehelka to hand this
information to you as it was given to them on a
confidential basis to be used for further
investigation by them and not for mere media
sensation.  We also did it because we believed that if
the State could not take a stand, they should be
exposed.  And, it was unethical on your part to
publish it, without our permission.

Responses to Questions:
1.      Does substantial information mean rape of a child?
weren't you'll aware that Joe was living with a minor
girl for almost 10-years?
R.      We have not said or implied that.  If we were aware
we would obviously have acted.  Giorgio was a suspect
on our list under another name for nearly 2 years and
the said girl who has been declared to be 21 years old
was a major then.  A lot of incriminating evidence has
come to the surface after he was booked.  

2. There is a problem with the police. you know that
and I know that. we all know there's a problem but is
anyone trying to put forward a solution?
R.      Who is this anyone you have in mind?  May be the
press should take up a campaign like GT did with the
‘People’s Court’ to identify the deeper problem and
put forward the solution.  The NGOs on their part have
on several occasions tried to define the problem and
put forward a solution.  The Goa Children’s Act 2003
was a major step in this direction.

3.      Your allegations about Middleton are serious. Have
you made any formal complaint in court or to any kind
of authority.  I would suggest you do that, if not
done already. 
R.      We realize you are not well informed about the
case, to make the above suggestion.  Despite all
attempts by the enforcement agency to scuttle and
close the case, we are still fighting for justice in
the Court.

4.       If not the police, then who? are paedophiles going
scot free only because the police are allegedly
cahoots with them? The children's act makes provision
for arrest of paedophiles with hard evidence.
R.      Good questions.  Maybe the readers will attempt an
answer.  We on our part do our best to see that they
do not go scot free despite a lot of hurdles including
during the investigation and prosecution process.

5.      Ringlemann was a blot. but again, did the NGOs
file a complaint against the police handling of the
matter. there's always the judiciary. also, proving
the Ringleman case, as per the info I have, would have
been difficult. isn't it better that the monster is
out of the country for good?
R.      As I said in my earlier response, CRG had informed
the police long ago.
Did the NGOs file a complaint?  You ask.
Should it be mandatory for NGOs to file a complaint
for the police to act?  
This brings us to the question of the role of the
State vis-à-vis such acts.  Should it be merely
reactive?  Should it not be proactive? If I’m not
mistaken, in past instances, the police & Courts have
taken a suo moto approach and treated as an FIR,
Newspaper Reports.  That was precisely the question
put to the DIG Randhava after the Tehelka private
screening with the police by some of us - if they
cannot act on the basis of the recorded
statement/evidences in the video recording.  Be it
paedophilia cases or acts of vandalism the patent
response of the State is: no one has made a complaint,
implying that they can act only if a complaint is
recorded.  This certainly betrays a lack of will on
the part of the State and an attempt to sideline and
mislead the people.
      Is merely driving the monster out of the
country, without even a shake-up, the solution?  Such
an approach doesn’t even  work as a deterrent or
preventive, according to us! If we drive one out 
there will be other Ringlemans.  Come to think of it,
Giorgio Lazzini & Gunter Backmann have appeared on the
scene quite soon after the Tehelka sting operation
after which the monster (Ringleman) was sent out of
the country.

6.      You have said, "Given these experiences we have
our own way of following up on cases and we try to do
it to the best of our limited abilities (after all we
are not professional investigators) and time spaces
(it is often necessary to investigate at night which
is not possible for us)”.  Strange. It almost seems
that NGOs are become more and more like government
departments. whatever happened to activism?
R.      Reg. NGOs becoming like govt. depts.-------
You are free to have your opinion.  But if I may ask
you – who has appointed you a judge on us and the
NGOs?  I could have stated the umpteen times we have
worked at night including the night when Giorgio
Lazzini was caught, and our members returned at 5.00
a.m the next day. But I am talking of professional
investigations, being properly equipped, that have to
be carried on day after day and night after night,
sometimes even to other states.  The task is not as
simple as you make it out to be.

7.      You have asked if merely providing information
helps.  It may not but don't you it is your
responsibility to provide information.
R.      We decide when and how to provide information.  We
have provided information to the police on several
occasions including confidential info. for
investigation and action.  

8.      I have nowhere questions Jan Ugahi's work. I must
admit that a lot of what you'll do is laudable. but I
do feel that you'll should stop treating the media
like some sort of monster. speaking for myself and
most journos, we do care for the problem and the
children. The NGOs ought to work with the media (and
vice versa) and not against them. at the end of the
day I believe we ought to be partners. but that
doesn't seem to be the case. media requests for info
are treated with suspicion leading us to either
believe that somebody has something to hide or just
doesn't have anything.  Pls comment.
R.      Strange that you say we have treated the press like
some sort of monster?  From what we have said in our
communications so far, what gave you that impression? 
What makes you think that we have withheld information
from the media?  I cannot talk for others but since
your dialogue is with us, may I know what gave you the
impression?  In fact, our experience has been that
larger issues that we are raising reg. tourism related
paedophilia as a fall-out of the unbridled tourism
policy of the State, targetting of victims rather than
perpetrators by the authorities to solve the problem
of paedophilia (e.g. the new action plan of the
tourism ministry to round-up unaccompanied lamani
children on the beaches), protection and not further
victimization of children including insensitive
briefing by the police reg. victim’s identity and a
consequent insensitive reporting by the newspapers in
cases of sexual abuse and rape, etc are often lost on
a no. of reporters.  Even the written presentation we
had made to the reporters at the press conference and
which Goanet sent around had some of these larger
issues, which, except for Herald, no other English
daily did justice to.

With best wishes,


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