# Goanetters-2004 meet in Goa. Dec 21, Tuesday. 12 noon to 2 pm.         #   
# Clube Vasco, Near Municipal Garden, Panjim. Pass the word around!      #  


Actually, in your praise of liberalism you must be
talking about classic social liberalism, which was
good, not the modern political version, which, in the
economic sphere is rooted in socialism, which is being
consigned around the world to the dustbin of history,
where it belongs.  

Liberalism is being held responsible for the economic
and social malaise in Europe, and they are now
realizing that their policies are not working out,
with high inflation and unemployment rates and
economic stagnation.  In India and China, changing
from the liberal socialist policies of the past is
being called "liberalization", which is a clever word
to describe a move towards free markets and free trade
and less government interference in the economy, which
are conservative ideals.

It is also good to be a conservative. Conservatism is 
one of the best things that ever happened to this
world.  Many of the greatest minds that have lived on
this planet have been  conservatives. They are
responsible for saving  the world from the Nazis, the
Fascists, the Communists and the Imperialists.  Most
of our scientific and technological progress comes
from the fruits of capitalism and conservative free
market economics, and people from around the world
have left their liberal countries and come to the
conservative economic system in the US to prosper and
earn Nobel Prizes over here.  

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