Many fellow netters have been writing to me privately in support of the
campaign to get to the bottom of the Ribandar Church  Molestation case. They
say that their own independent inquiries confirm the allegations made.

I would appeal to these concerned netters to take the courage and directly
express their views and convictions on goanet for the benefit of all. We are
fortunate to have a forum where one can openly express his or her views
unlike some of the print media which has its business and other compulsions.

The Ribandar Church Molestation case is just a part of the bigger problem
that has gripped many other parishes in Goa. I have nothing personally
against Fr. Newton Rodrigues. I have never turned down any of his request
for donations inspite of never having received a receipt for any of the
contributions made.

But when a 13 year old girl is molested no sensible person could sit back in
silence. The victim's mother confirmed to me that the incident had happened.
The victim and the mother also spoke to Ms Auda Viegas of Bailancho Exvott
who later submitted a report of the incident to the police. Now months later
to say that the complain was filed with the police on pressure cuts no ice.

We would do more damage to our religion by silently and cowardly  enduring
the wrongs and the injustice that may be going on in our places of worship.
Churches, Temples and mosques are sacred places for the public. They cannot
and should never be allowed to be run as a Private Limited Company.

For those who may not be aware the Children's Court is located on the first
Floor , Shram Shakti Bhavan, Pato Plaza, Panaji

Aires Rodrigues

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