
Living so many years in Goa I am left landless. Could
you offer me some pennies for the land deal. (I do not
have a ration card). Communism in China has become Red
Capitalism. Across the border in Zhuhai, the Chinaman
goes about in Merks. Would you like a job as a
chauffer? BTW did you know that Goa is colonized by
impearlist bharat?

B. Colaco

 --- Santosh Helekar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> --- Bernado Colaco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> >I was thinking of buying land in Pernem.
> >
> Do you have the money? Or do you blow it all in the
> illegal casinos? Do you get paid a minimum wage in
> the
> sweat labor camps of communist Macau? 
> >
> >Do you think the Shiv Sena will allow that? Do you
> >have any strings to pull? 
> >
> Against Shiv Sena your contacts with the Chinese
> mafia
> should help. Hindi Chini bhaiee bhaiee.
> >
> >When did you come from the Caucases to Goa?
> > 
> I was born in Goa under foreign occupation and
> colonial oppression. What about you?
> >
> >Wow you are fluent Portuguese writer learnt any
> >lessons from Agente Monteiro?
> > 
> My Portuguese is not as good as your Red Chinese. I
> didn't have a chance to meet Agente Monteiro. He
> jumped in a well out of fear and cowardice when a
> Bharati Jawan came after him, init?
> Cheers,
> Santosh

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