The Ungrateful Indian
> >
> > October 19, 2003
> >
> >
> > Permit me to draw a picture of an average persons daily morning
> > routine.
> >
> > 1. An early raiser wakes up and puts the light on (i.e. consumes
> > electricity).
> > Let us assume that this person consumes electricity worth 20
paise in
> > doing
> > so. Maybe 2 paise get added to the Reliance treasury.
> >
> > 2. This person then lights up the cooking gas or puts on the
> > percolator for
> > the first cup of tea or coffee. Let us assume that
> > worth 20
> > paise is used. Another two paise may get added to the Reliance
> > treasury.
> >
> > 3. Our common man now wants warm water for bathing. Again, he
> > consumes LPG/electricity (maybe he uses wood). Another 10 paise
> > probably
> > finds it way to the Reliance treasury. Drainage pipes are made of
> > Maybe, another two hundred odd rupees has already found its way
to the
> > Reliance Treasury.
> >
> > 4. Now this person puts on some clothes. Yes, you guessed it
> > Polyester fiber is the route through which rupees hundred may
> > already
> > found its way to the Reliance treasury.
> >
> > 5. Now this person wants to make some phone calls to organize his
> > day. Some
> > more revenue may find its way to the Reliance treasury.
> >
> > 6. How about some news on television. Thanks to convergence and
> > electricity, some more revenue might have found its way to the
> > Reliance
> > treasury.
> >
> > 7. This person now logs in into his mail accounts. Convergence and
> > electricity
> > again.
> >
> > 8. Now our person is ready for breakfast. LPG/electricity this
> > (or is
> > the person using wood).
> >
> > 9. Newspapers have arrived and surprisingly, not contributed to
> > Reliance
> > treasury. Something must be quickly done about this anomaly.
> >
> > 10. At last our person is ready to go to work. Gets into/onto the
> > vehicle
> > and starts the engine. Yes, you are right about petrol/diesel
> > somebody
> > say naphtha? SSShhhh .... that is the most closely guarded
> > secret).
> >
> > And the never ending saga of every persons daily morning routine
> > on.
> >
> > Looking at the above list one can realise that the two W's, water
> > wood,
> > are in urgent need of proper management and channelisation and
> > would
> > also remember that the Great man spoke about these two W's. The
> > man
> > had said that he wished that he had another twenty years of life.
> > would
> > have ensured that no person in the country would have lacked for
> > two W's
> > (no mention of Reliance Treasury).
> >
> > How many people are aware of this yeomen service that the
> > Group is
> > providing and intends to provide to each and every person in
> > Such
> > unparalleled commitment to service and such unprecedented concern
> > the
> > people of India. And yet, there are those amongst us who
> > create
> > obstructions in the path of this glorious group. We obstruct the
> > disinvestment of HPCL/BPCL. We insist on restricting the call
> > forwarding
> > facility offered by Reliance Infocomm (Group of Ministers' should
> > immediately overcome this by permitting unified license). The
> > Honorable
> > Prime Minister of our country is giving the golden quadrilateral
> > the
> > people and the Reliance Group is ready to complement the Prime
> > Minister's
> > efforts with their pipes. Reliance Energy is eager to provide
> > electricity
> > to Maharashtra (never mind if it is only a few selected cities
> > are the
> > cash cows of MSEB). They are so kind and considerate that they
> > willingly left a major portion of the state for MSEB. Why is MERC
> > dragging
> > its feet? Despite these difficulties the group continues to offer
> > their
> > humble services to the people of India. And the people of India
> > being so
> > ungrateful to the Reliance Group. How can we rectify this?
> >
> > We must insist that the name of Reliance Group be inserted into
> > national
> > anthem along with Punjab, Sindh, Gujarat, Maratha, Dravida.....
> > all
> > aren't they Bharata Bhagyya Vidhata? Our Honorable Minister for
> > Information
> > Technology has said and I quote
> >
> > "Should we block technologies or practices because they violate
> > existing
> > laws and regulations? Should we clutch on to laws and regulations
> > till they
> > are disregarded into complete meaninglessness? Or should we put
> > new
> > possibilities to work?"
> >
> > I totally agree with our Honorable Minister. Old order must make
> > for the
> > new. I suggest that we should replace the Ashok Chakra on our
> > National Flag
> > with the Reliance emblem. Our National pledge can be redrafted to
> > read as
> > under:
> >
> > India is my Country. All Indians are my brothers and sisters. I
> > my
> > country and I am proud of its Reliance Group.............
> >
> > That seems to be the new order anyway. If there are too many
> > in the
> > path of Disinvestment we should form a Ministry of Entrustment
> > entrust
> > all our public sector companies to the Reliance Group. I am sure
> > there
> > is nothing in our laws and the statutes of our public sector
> > undertakings
> > that goes against the word entrust (never mind if they have
> > against the word sale). Let us not waste time in entrusting the
> > nationalised
> > Banks. It will be easier to rename (entrust) the Reserve Bank of
> > India as
> > Reliance Bank of India. Indian Airforce can become RAF (and dwarf
> > Royal
> > Air Force) and so on.......
> >
> > We periodically spend crores of rupees on holding elections. Such
> > pathetic
> > waste. We should do away with the current system and opt for the
> > Presidential form of Government and in one stroke we will become
> > largest
> > Presidential Democracy. We should permanently appoint the
Chairman of
> > the
> > Reliance Group as the President of India. All the political
> > will
> > then become redundant and we can dismantle the election
> > By doing
> > away with Parliamentary Democracy we will never have to worry
> > another
> > terrorist attack on the Parliament. Think of the enormous savings
> > that we
> > will make. Besides, there will be so much more order and
> > amongst
> > our populace. Without the political parties, our masses shall be
> > deprived of
> > communalism and casteism. Political parties might then opt to
> > NGO's
> > in pursuit of their everlasting desire to serve the people of
> > Bureaucracy could then be replaced by Management and we would
> > get rid
> > of the need to manage bureaucrats.
> >
> > By implementing these ideas on a priority basis, the people of
> > would
> > be appropriately expressing their gratitude towards the Group
> > has been
> > tirelessly rendering service to the nation. It is the solemn duty
> > every
> > person in our country to recognise the contribution of this group
> > pay
> > obeisance to them. We would then be well on our way to becoming a
> > superpower
> > and all of us would have made our humble contributions towards
> > well
> > advertised desire of the Reliance Group:
> >
> > "Kar Lo Duniya mutthi mein".
> >
> > Jaspal Bhatti might not have to wait very long to see the next
> > and the
> > Group might well be poised for:
> >
> > "Kar Lo Chand mutthi mein".
> >
> > Again, the Group would be offering sterling services to all the
> > weds
> > who intend to go on a honeymoon.
> >
> > JAI HIND or does one say JAI R------- (after all the Group has
> > such
> > exemplary dedication to the cause of the nation and its people
> > there
> > should be no hesitation in using the two words interchangeably)
> >
> > Kaustubh Deshpande.

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