TO: George Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

In response to Halur Rasho and Philip Thomas you have
continued your reprehensible comments about the US
Senate's 9/11 Commission not being credible simply
because they were "white", without any regard to their
individual credentials and political philosophies. 
This is blatant reverse racism pure and simple.

Your own posts on this subject are ample proof that
brown people can be just as biased, irrational and
delusional as any white person.

You have obviously not even read the 9/11 report,
available on, so how do you come up
with your paranoid generalizations?  Have you been
talking to Michael Moore?

While 99.9% of Muslims are not suicidal terrorists,
every one of the nineteen 9/11 jihadis were Muslims. 
In spite of this there are no anti-Muslim or anti-Arab
views in the 9/11 report. Every assertion was
thoroughly researched and documented and the sources
of information are all part of the report.  Any honest
"brown" person would have come to the same conclusions
they did.

Regarding the poll you cited you need to know that the
US constitution is not responsive to polls, which are
a snapshot of the people polled.  No more, no less. 
No country is more protective of the rights of
minorities than the US, and "brown skinned" people
dominate much of the US economy.  For example, Indian
Americans have been the top ethnic group by family
income since 1980.  Filipinos are No. 2.  The list 
includes the whites you are so afraid of.  The top two
executives in US foreign policy are black skinned, and
two cabinet ministers are black as well.  The next
Attorney General is brown skinned.  The top US General
in Iraq is an Arab-American.

You need to check out how they are treating Muslims in
Germany, France and the Netherlands, without the
impetus of a 9/11 attack.  I have Arab friends in the
US who are concerned when Arab strangers show up in
their midst.  They know the difference between most
Muslims and terrorists who happen to be Muslims.  Why
don't you?

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