TO: Tariq Siddiqui <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Tariq writes:
You still have not understood my argument. When Honda
set up a factory in the US, it did not close down a
plant in Japan. Moreover, the product was meant 
for the US and not for the Japanese market. 

To help you understand better, I have no problem if GM
sets up a factory in China and builds cars there for
the local Chinese market. I would have a 
problem if GM sets up a factory in China only to build
cars for export to the US and closes down
factories here at the same time. 

There is also another aspect here that you should
consider. If you outsource a certain part of your
business process because you need to have your 
employees concentrate on other process to generate
more revenue, that would also be acceptable.

Mario asks incredulously:
"I would have a problem if GM sets up a factory in
China..." (?)  I hate to let reality get in the way of
your preferences, but, if you believe in the free
enterprise system, why would you have any problem with
anything a private company does, unless you own a
piece of the company, in which case you can excercise
your right to express your opinion to the management,
or sell your stock?  Companies locate their plants for
all kinds of reasons, mostly to stay competitive and
increase profits.  The US unemployment rate is
expected to trend downwards from the current 5.4%
towards the 5% range, which is approaching
full-employment in this country.

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