--- "D'Souza, Avelino" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> Why not write history from the beginning? We should
> know how the earlier
> inhabitants in Goa lived.

Afonso de Albuquerque stopped the practice of Sati in
Goa. Was this fact made known to the general public? 

The Portuguese introduced S. American goodies such as
chillies and tomatoes which are the mainstay of many
an Indian dish (let alone the variety of Goan dishes),
besides fruits like chikoos and pineapples as well as
grafting methods that have given us such a rich
variety of mangoes. Were these facts made known to the
general public?

The Portuguese introduced a unique social environment
the likes of which do not exist in the rest of India,
which has made Goa all the more attractive to the
European/American tourist.  Was this fact depicted
anywhere in the VCD?

Was the VCD only meant to depict the "evils"
perpertrated by the Portuguese on Goans? What about
the "evils" perpertrated by India on post-liberation
Goa?  They didn't exist? Don't they exist even today?
Such as giving back a measly fraction of a percent of
taxes collected, for Goa's development?

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