From: "Santosh Helekar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, December 31, 2004 4:24 PM

--- Gabe Menezes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I put it to you, that the average Hindu is  easily
led, they can then be coerced with litttle compulsion
to do the unthinkable!

Thankfully the Goan Hindus know better, alas it
appears that the Govt. is playing this card for the
immigrant populace or for the whole population of

The average Goan Hindu is better than average non-Goan
Hindu? What card are we playing here?



RESPONSE: Are you by any chance Halur ? Yes or NO????

It is to do with demography and nothing to do with playing a slant card. It is known all over India that the Bengalis are the most ardent sports fans in the whole of India. Similarly it is also known the Mumbai is the Financial capital of India and even though the Shiv Senna have changed the name of the city to Mumbai the Bombay Stock exchange still rules O.K.

Similarly I am of the mindset that Goan Hindus would be more tolerant than from some other parts of India - Gujarat springs readily to mind.
To make a comparison, the rest of the U.K. is more tolerant of religions than the bigotry shown in Northern Ireland. Try as we may to say there is no difference, the stark reality is that there is.

Perhaps I am wrong having not been born in Goa and having not lived in India. Since you are the self proclaimed ruler of Chimbel, I will bow to your superior knowledge, if you can categorically inform me that all Christians, Jews, Muslims are of the same Hue vis a vis their own. ? That in effect all Hindus are of the same mindset (in the same vein as those who committed atrocities in Gujarat). If this is the case than God spare the Christian Goans in Goa.

Happy New You and to Halur and to all Goanetters.



P.S. The British as a whole have a different mindset as far as disasters are concerened - the people of this Country have now coughed up 50 million Pounds
matching the Biritish Govt's. aid. This amount will surely go higher, taking into account that almost 1/3 more will be offered through the tax incentive if tax payers have opted to have the tax portion redeemed.

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