Once again, Santosh Helekar goes through his typical
verbal attack, without addressing the three points
made by me:

1. Santosh's total inability to distinguish levity and
irony from serious comments.

2. His relentless attack mode against anyone who has
the temerity to disagree with him, launching
immediately into rude, hostile and intemperate
language.  Here is a recent example, "The above post,
besides containing gratuitous insults against Tim de
Mello, propagates "politically motivated nonsense"
regarding global warming. The article contained in it
is a striking example of "vicious right-wing

I had chided Tim of making a facetious comment while
operating on feni fumes, which Santosh pounced upon 
as a gratuitious "personal insult".  I would be rich,
not insulted, if I was paid a $1 everytime someone
accused me of drinking our special nationsl adult

3. No one is disputing that global warming is
occurring, so I hope Santosh will keep this in mind as
he drowns us in his left-wing propaganda as he is
threatening to do.  I hope Santosh will try to explain
why global warming and cooling occurred before the
industrial revolution began.  But I'm not holding my

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