This post has been copied cc: to (among others) 
His Eminence Cardinal Jose Policarpo of Lisbon
His Grace Archbishop Filipe Neri FERRAO of Goa
and bcc: to my very good friend
His Grace Archbishop Patrick Pinder of The Bahamas

re: the Issue of the Priest in Ribandar Goa accused of molesting a
young girl "during confession".

Professor George Pinto (California) wrote: 

d: I believe Aires (Rodrigues) wrote at least once there are other
cases of sexual abuse by the clergy in Goa. I had written to the
Archdiocese twice and did not get a response. Is there a formal study
done in Goa regarding this issue?

e: When the Church sex abuse scandal first broke in the USA, innocent
priests were walking around "convicted by association" simply by being
a priest.

f: It is not fair to the priests or the victims. I am hoping there is
formal investigation and study in Goa and the findings made public.
The laity have a right to know if the problem is pervasive or isolated
or non-existent.

Dr. Gilbert Lawrence (New York) wrote: 

a: I am analyzing your posts on its merits. Both your posts on this
thread and others on Goa's Catholic Church have very little factual
information. There's another guy across the Atlantic who does the

b: While you are quoting the case in California, I can forward you the
story in our newspaper, where the priest was vindicated. Now where
does he go to recoup his honor?

c: I would suggest (and hope you'd agree) that the Goa church should
embark on education courses for priests (and nuns too) on sexual
harassment. This does not mean there is a problem. But it can prevent

===== jc response

My dear Gilbert ani George,

First of all ....good wishes to you ani all amche Goans for 2005.

You both have made some very valid points.

Please alow me to make the following observations:->

1. Just because there is no (available) factual information of ABUSE,
does not mean that there isn't any abuse.

2. Just because the Archdiocese has not replied to George's letter
does not mean that the Archdiocese is hiding something.

For all we know, the mail may not have been seen by the relevant
folks. If the message is important, George may wish to send it again -
and copy it to ALL the Goa related e-lists.

3. Just because the US-abuse story got prominence in the media, does
not mean that Only the Catholic Church has abuse going within its
organization. Let us firmly disabuse ourselves of this idea, if we are
in possession of it.

However, the Catholic Church in Goa cannot play OSTRICH (like the Goan
Catholic Network and other Rt. Wing Catholic groups) and just believe
that these accusations will go away.

The Catholic Church MUST hold a preventive investigation (as George
rightly advises) and hold on going training sessions (as Gilbert
advises) not only for the clergy, but also for the faithful. Far too
often, Catholic priests have been targeted.

The Catholic Church will strongly benefit from using the lead of the
Medical community - which strongly recommends that NO patient be
examined or even counselled without the presence of a witness.

Even Law Enforcement authorities are now being required to video-tape
such sessions.

The Church does not have to go that far - The presence of a witness is
good enough. To protect the confidentiality of the discussion (or the
confession), a safe distance or a sound proof glass partition will be

You may wish to know that in my practice, I refuse to see female
clients alone - whatever the circumstance. The time has come for us to
ensure that we see ALL patients in the presence of a witness -  taking
the obvious care to maintain client privacy.

I agree with George that "the laity have a right to know". I hope this
LAITY also knows its responsibilities. The priests are not slaves to
be used and abused by the "laity". The laity have responsibilities
too. I sincerely hope that they do their part.

And that part is not complete by merely attending Mass on Sundays or
perhaps at the Hatch, Match and Dispatch (Baptism, Wedding and
Funeral) services.

We should also disabuse ourselves of this notion (as articulated
recently) that the laity PAYS the priests for Masses.

By the way, It's really time for the Laity which has Rights, to know
its Obligations to contribute TOTALLY towards the costs of running the

Having read the repeated posts from Aires Rodrigues on the issue of
the Priest from Ribandar Goa who is accused of having molested a Young
girl during what was supposed to be a Confession, I'd say the

1. Aires (a lawyer) has already Tried and Crucified this priest in the
court of Internet. Does the principle of Innocent unless proven guilty
apply in India?

2. The Goa Church has kept awfully quiet in this matter. When will it
speak up, and protect this priest from the Aires attacks, or hold an
investigation and do the needful.

3. May I suggest that THIS is NOT the type of case which has caused
problems in the US. This (if it actually happened) is a case of human
failings. Something which ALL of us can fall victim to - even the good
Bill Clinton fell victim to it. This is also the type of case which
can be prevented by the policy of "Refusing to see clients alone".

4. This case (if it happened) is a case which needs to be referred for

Finally, I ask the same question that Gilbert Lawrence asks: Where
does a wrongly accused priest, doctor or university professor go, to
recoup his/her good name?


good wishes to all

jose colaco 

Did not see comments on this story from the anti-Catholic types of
this world on the following story

when you good people have some time, please do read the following from
Ema and me

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