--- Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>The wrath of a woman scorned is only exceeded by the
>wrath of a committed left-wing propagandist
>confronted with the possibility that global warming
>may be modest,

As stated earlier, I will not address the irrelevant
personal insults directed at me by the above netter,
other than to mention that these thoughtless remarks
and the sexist/misogynic statement made above, once
again, reinforces my contention, and that of many of
the other netters in this forum, that this man does
not care about real facts or science. He has nothing
but contemptuous disregard for objective scientific
facts and rational conclusions derived from genuine
scholarly articles, if they do not conform to his

>that warming and cooling has happened before
>prior to the industrial revolution, and the causes
>of global warming may have little to do with human
>endeavor and a lot to do with natural causes little
>affected by man.

Those who read my last post would realize that the
above quote, in particular, directly contradicts
the fact-based objective conclusions arrived at in the
latest published papers from peer-reviewed mainstream
scientific journals such as Reviews of Geophysics and
SCIENCE, and the public information resources provided
by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration, one of the world's most prestigious
bodies dealing with the issue of climate change.

It should be clear to all reasonable people who have
read my last post on this subject that the
above-referenced post fails to address, let alone
refute, any of the scientific issues raised by me. 



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