There was an air of relief on the second day at the
Gomant Vishwa Sammelan at Kala Academy, the water
supply  to Panaji city was restored  at 2206 hrs IST
on 3rd January 2004, but there were sob tales. "The
paper napkins for the loo which ought to be in place
the day before when there was no water around was
missing " said an exasperated NRG a senior citizen,
from Tanzania.

There was an excellent exhibition of paintings by the
Goa College of Art, the organisors were at pains to
explain how the students of art college found the
Corniche at the International Film Festival Campal and
this Sammelan as a forum to express their talent. 
Infact they were all praise for the Government for
providing them the opportunity.  The Chief Secretary
Mr D S Negi told this writer that on an earlier
ocassion the students of the Catering college too were
given and exposure at catering to the foreign
clientele at IFFI, " such exposure which have a
multiple effect cannot be measured" apparently
refuting   the criticism on the exhorbitant sums spend
by the Government on IFFI as alleged by some.

The Chairman of the GHRSSIDC Ltd did not turn up and
it was left to Chairman GTDC Mr Sadanand Shet Tnanvade
to inaugurate the same.

Lateron the theme Goa's path to excellence what can we
NGOs do?   "Ones Life style has been the cause of many
of the illnesses be it stress anxiety depression
whatever" said Dr Meenaxi Martins and she made a power
point illustration to elucidate the same which was
well received by the audience. But there was one NRG
who wanted to know from Dr Martins "how could one cope
with the stress and anxiety caused to one by the
lethargic bureaucracy in the State".  As this
harrassment has been the main grudge of the NRIs NRGs
till date. Fortunately the promised question answer
session was called of.

The other was senior citizen Mrs Mangala Wagle of the
Kasturba Gandhi Trust the Goa region was started in
1991 at Canacona and she later shifted activities in
Hamara School -at Panaji a school for children who
work around the market in Panaji.

The presentation of Mr Bonifacio Charles of the TTAG
which deals with the gamut of tourism was brief but a
well set presentation and received wide
appreciation.He mentioned about one gentleman from
England who did not receive the co-operation from the
Goa Government to introduce farm products needed for
the hotel industry.  Disgusted he  moved to
Maharashtra and has now successfuly cultivatedd
organic rice green salads and lettuce in his farm. 
This is a clear instance of the Government interested
only in the money from the NRIs and NRGs but do not
care to allow them set up shop in Goa said one from
Canada (who had a bitter experience with the Economic
Development Corporation ) 

The Samrat Club of Ponda a   cultural club indulged in
organising Sammelans and are now are planning a
venture abroad.  But while its speaker Mr Guruprasad
Shinkre stated that his Club had obtained a
distinction in organising the functions on time he
bored the audience with his presentation most of it
out of context that it was left to the audience to
force him cut short his speech.  Sadly the
co-ordinators Prof M S Kamat and Fr Romualdo De Souza
intervened only when the audience was getting restless
and surpringly Brigadier Ian da Costa the Co-Ordinator
of the session who forewarned the speakers to stick to
the seven minutes remained a silent spectator.

But the others who spoke were of hi fi international
organisations like the Jaycees, Rotary, Lions Clubs
which  are seen in Goa as forums for non Goans to seek
membership and assimilate with the top business class
to  use these clubs as a stepping stone to success in
Goa.  Blood donations medical camps road safety week
leadership personality development are normal features
and these did not find appreciation with the NRGs and

One person remarked that the selection of speakers
itself was biased as none of these were Non
Governmental Organisation NGOs but mere clubs.  Hence
the real NGOs who are vigilant gave their
presentations to the NRGs NRIs and that received the

There was Mr Roland Martins distributing his GOACAN a
consumer issues hand out and the South Goa Public
Interest Group an NGO which has been actively helping
the NRIs and NRGs and infact has an interaction
counter at the venue made a presentation copies which
were mailed via email or distributed to the delegates.

The presentation on Gurukul which is one of the
projects floated  under the newly formed (March 2004 )
Goa Education Development Corporation first
educational estate will set up shop in Keri (of Nylon
6' 6 fame). The school to be set up will be on the
lines of CBSE IB Cambridge -- and residential schools
which are mostly in the hills like Mt Abu Uttaranchal
Kodaikanal but have now moved in cities like Delhi
Bangalore. These residential schools will cater to 30
student and have around 720 students.  It will be run
on purely corporate lines and a school Company formed
under  section 25 of the Companies Act 1960.  If all
goes well the same would commence in August.

Other presentation did not get much of a response as
they were connected with Life Insurance Corporation
Housing and Development Finance Corp ICICI Prudential
the NRGs and NRIs have experienced the services
rendered by these organisations in the past years and
do not take kindly to such organisations any longer.

The lunch session received a good  response one
wonders whether it is the content matter of Sammelans
or the lunch dinner tea etc that attracts the

The session on Agriculture and Pissiculture being post
lunch sessions found most of the delegates asleep in
the nearly two thirds empty auditorium for the second
day going.  Even the Minister for Agriculture could
not avoid an yawn and a drowsy look because
presentations on scampi fresh water prawns and fish in
Goa by Dr Subramanian of ICAR & Deptt of Fisheries was
full with technicalites not required at this
presentation .  The 555 kms of riverine in the state
do provide good scope for fish industry in the state. 
Bio Technology related agriculture too was boring . 


But the need for a Fish meal plant in Goa sure caught
the attention of many. Poor quality of sardines
results in fish meal being prepared and sold to
neighbouring states but they are dried on beaches
along the 104 kms coastline and attract a lot of poor
migrants who carry out these ecologicaly unfriendly
jobs. They reside in the beach areas defeacate in the
open and cause a nuisance. Therefore a fish meal plant
in the organised sector is a must was what the speaker
tried to convey.  

But what cheered the audience was the presentation by
Miguel Braganza an ex employee of the Dept of
Agriculture on wine making the simplistic presentation
was well appreciated becuase its details were
available on the NRI FC 3rd issue newsletter.  

One announcement made by Mr Braganza that raised eye
brows was that in Coorg in Karnataka the Hindus were
pork eaters.  Yet another was that Australia started
growing mangoes in 1986 and are now producing mango

The presentation by Mr Mihir Vardhan the Director of
Land settlement was excellent most of the land related
matters can be solved if the Government sincerely
attended to the requirements viz in amending the
tenancy law the Communidade law and contract farming
which if implemented envisages the contracting of land
to others for cultivation without rights.  That only
1,50,000 land was cultivable and 50,00,00 hectares
fallow were the subject matter of protracted
litigation being affected by tenancy was clear. 

Therefore if the Government is sincere they can
eradicated this problem affecting every landowner in
Goa -- when is the question.  

The presentation by Godrej Agrovet Ltd was good and
here is a good opportunity for NRI NRGs to invest in
the Aadhar scheme.  

The question answer session witnessed queries on
availability of all the agro fisheries related
presentations on the websites.  

A surprise delegate was Ribander based Advocate Aires
Rodrigues NRIs and NRGs wondered how the advocate who
staged a boycott remained like an obedient student at
all the sessions and also partook in the inaugural of
the paintings and photograph. 

 He however took one speaker off guard Mr Bhangui a
builder turned agronomist who made a presentation on
food processing industry to be set up by him at
Dhargal in Pernem Taluka near to the Mopa airport when
he questioned the Secretary Agriculture what was the
Government doing to check conversion of tenanted land
by the builders now turned agronomists?

One of the common refrain of the organisors was that
they were running out of time -- this made short most
of the sessions and the NRIs NRGs wondered whether
this was all stage management only to get the point of
view of the "chosen few"

Tommorow session the penultimate day promises
fireworks because the credibility of the Chief
Minister on past assurances will be the highlight of
the morning session before the conclusion of the

Godfrey J I Gonsalves
Borda Margao

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