Dear Adv. Aires Rodrigues,

Thank you for posting your Aug 12, 2004 letter to the Archbishop of Goa. If nothing else, hopefully His Grace's attention will be drawn to it - perhaps once again.

Hopefully, the Archbishop will see it fit to take the necessary action - if warranted.

Meanwhile, I await your responses to the questions I had put to you in my previous posting. After this note from me, I will take (atleast) a 72 hour break from posting on this subject - lest cyberGoans get Ribandar intoxication.

Now, Adv. Rodrigues, please allow me to draw your attention to the CAPITALISED (by me) words from YOUR letter to the good Archbishop.

Were you witness to the alleged events - as they unfolded ?

If so ..... Why did you not step in and prevent this from happening to this 13 year old neighbour of yours?

If not ....why did you choose such categoric words in your letter i.e. WAS CALLED, WAS CORNERED, ASKED, QUESTIONED, FONDLED, MOLESTED , & ADMITTED ?

Would you agree Advocate Rodrigues that (unless you were present at the events), You presented hearsay information to the Archbishop in terms which suggest that you were a material witness.

BTW: Isn't fondling any 13 year old's private parts also molestation? and Did you advise the mother to take her 13 year old to be examined by a pediatrician asap?

yours very sincerely


***excerpt from letter - FROM Aires Rodrigues to Archbishop Neri Ferrao August 12, 2004***

as posted by Aires Rodrigues on goanet Tue Jan 4 21:32:53 2005

Your Excellency,


On 24th December last year around 11.15 p.m. the daughter of one of my neighbour, 13 year old (name omitted) WAS CALLED to the Church under the guise of church activity.

She WAS CORNERED by our Parish Priest who than ASKED her to submit herself to confession. Young, but street wise, (name omitted) QUESTIONED the logic of confession at that late hour of the night.

A frustrated parish priest later FONDLED her private parts and MOLESTED this young girl.

She was luckily to escape from the hands of the priest and was able to rush to the comfort of her mother (name omitted) who very promptly rushed to the church and questioned the Parish priest as to his outrageous conduct.

The priest ADMITTED his fault but a mere apology will never erase the lifetime damage inflicted on this budding young girl and her family.

Please feel free to speak to (name omitted and (name omitted), her mother. However, I am sure that this will not arise, as the Parish Priest will not have the audacity to deny the gruesome crime.

*******************end of excerpt

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