Jan 11 * Zatra of Shantadurga Fatorperkann, Fatorpa (till Jan 13)
Jan 12 * Zatra of Laxmi Ravalnath, Mashel
Jan 14 * Zatra of Shantadurga Kunkollkann, Fatorpa (14 to 19)
         Vijayrath of Jan 17, Maharath of Jan 18
Jan 24 * Zatra of Dev Bodgeshwar, Mapusa
         Shantadurga Chamundeshwari and Mahamaya, Curtorim
Jan 25 * Zatra of Devakikrishna at Mashel;
         Shantadurga Chamundeshwari Mahamaya, Gudem-Avadem
         Kalo at Pillgao-Orgao (Jan 25-26)

Jan 01 * Blessed Virgin Mary
         Feast at St Miguel at Orlim; Feast at Rachol
Jan 02 * Feast at Assagao
Jan 06 * Three Kings Feast at Cuelim, Chandor and Reis Magos (6-8)
Jan 09 * Feast at Canacona, Chaudi
Jan 13 * Fama of St Sebastiao of Seraulim
Jan 16 * Fr Jose Vaz's Day
         Feast at Raia and Rivona
Jan 23 * Feast of St Sabastiao at Seraulim
Jan 30 * Feast at Verna

Jan 01 * Zikad month continues
Jan 11 * Zikad month ends
Jan 12 * Jihej month begins
Jan 21 * Bakri-Id
Jan 31 * Jihej month continues

SUNRISE and sunset: Jan 1 rises at 07.13 and sets at 18.09. Jan 31, sunrise at 7.15 and sets at 18.28. Newmoon Jan 9-10. Fullmoon Jan 24-25.

Information courtesy: Goa Calendar. Available in Goa (including at Varsha Book Stall, near Azad Maidan, Panjim) for Rs 15 per copy.
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